Thought for September 4, 2024

  •  1609: Henry Hudson is first European to land on Manhattan
  • 1781: Los Angeles founded
  • 1813: First U.S. religious newspaper--Christian Observer
  • 1885: First cafeteria opens--New York
  • 1888: George Eastman registers the "Kodak" brand
  • 1893: Beatrix Potter writes "Peter Rabbit" 
  • 1922: Swallow Sidecar Company founded--later Jaguar
  • 1957: Orval Faubus calls out National Guard to prevent black students from entering Little Rock Central High School
  • 1960: Hurricane Donna kills 148
  • 1998: Google is incorporated
  • Born: Paul Harvey, Beyonce, Tom Watson, Ray Floyd
  • Died: Hank Greenberg, Irene Dunne, Steve Irwin, Joan Rivers
Have you ever thought about what the chief priests, scribes and elders who were in the garden will say when Christ returns? Reading Mark 14:61-62 today. The high priest asks, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" And Jesus responds, "I am." Why doesn't the trial end there? Why don't those questioning Jesus kneel at His feet. Instead, they say that no more witnesses are required. Jesus has condemned Himself. He has blasphemed by calling Himself the Christ. Death was the only just penalty. 

Why did these learned men, scholars of the Old Testament, familiar with the prophet Isaiah not get it? What blinded them to the truth? Perhaps pride--the real Messiah would certainly have come to see us first. The true Christ would have been born in Jerusalem. The true Christ would be leading a rebellion against the Roman oppressors. So, this man does not fit our concept of the Christ and He doesn't choose us as His chief followers. Makes me ask why people reject Christ today. Too busy, too self-sufficient. there must be other ways. I have to give up what I want to do. 

But I am struck by what Jesus said to these men, "you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven." Think about that. Jesus says I am the Christ and you will see me in power and glory. That hasn't happened yet. But one day when every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is the Christ to the glory of the Father, who will be there? The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders. Jesus always keeps His word. 

This creates for me an imperative. On that Day of the Lord, where do I want my neighbor to be? I do not want my neighbor to be with those that called Jesus a liar. I need to get more urgent about making sure they can testify that He is the Christ before that day comes for them. 



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