Thought for September 3, 2024
- 301: World's oldest republic, San Marino, founded by Saint Marinus
- 1777: American flag flown in battle for the first time--Cooch's Bridge Delaware
- 1783: Treaty of Paris officially ends Revolutionary War
- 1833: New York Sun begins publishing--1st daily newspaper in U.S.
- 1880: Jesse James gang robs Mammoth Cave stagecoach
- 1928: Ty Cobb's last hit
- 1939: Britain and France declare war on Germany after invasion of Poland
- Born: Ferdinand Porsche, Charlie Sheen, Shaun White,
- Died: Oliver Cromwell, Vince Lombardi, Frank Capra,
Reading Mark 14:47 this morning. The chief priests, the scribes and the elders have seized Jesus in the garden. One of those with Jesus took his sword, struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear. Try and picture this scene in your mind this morning. It is dark, the garden now lit by torches. Judas kisses Jesus and He is seized. And one of His followers has a sword and cuts off the ear of the chief priest's slave. In Mark's account we next read Jesus confronting the crowd and saying that this has happened to fulfill scripture. From the other gospels, we understand this event more fully.
- John tells us that it was Peter who had the sword and used it. Anyone surprised? Peter had just told Jesus he was ready to die with Jesus [14:31]. What should I learn from this. I get confused with what dying for the Lord means. Some are martyrs who give their lives for the kingdom. But, for me, most of then time the dying is not physical death, but death to self so that Christ can be in control--on the throne. Matthew reports that Jesus said that those that live by the sword die by the sword. Every time I read that I think about non-violence. But maybe there is more to it. Maybe Jesus is teaching us something here. Those who live by the physical sword, die by the physical sword. Similarly, those who live by the spiritual sword [the word of God], die by that sword. Our spiritual weapon is the word and we battle using that weapon. And scripture tells us that the word of God stands forever.
- Matthew also tells us that Jesus told Peter to put away the sword because He didn't need it. Jesus says that His Father would send 12 legions of angels to help if He asked. What a reminder to me when I try and do things in my strength. I got a little sword--Jesus has legions of angels.
- Peter attacked the slave, Malchus. This is what I find myself doing. the battle is with the force of wickedness and evil, but I want to strike out against the person. This helps me understand why we are told to love our enemies and do good to them. Our battle is not against their flesh, but against the forces of evil. Now, I also notice that the one person most unlikely to be armed was Malchus. Like Peter, I go after those least able to defend themselves.
- Jesus healed. Jesus repaired and replaced that which Peter had damaged. Just like Jesus--He gives life, heals, forgives. Now I have always wondered what the chief priests, high priest, scribes and elders thought when Jesus healed the ear. Who can do that but God? We are here to arrest and try this man Jesus. He just performed another miracle in our presence. What are we thinking. Just like Larry, they ignore His grace, His mercy, His power. I get so busy with my agenda, I forget His.
What a story, repeated in all the gospels. Lord, help me learn what You want me to know and then live like I believe it.
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