Thought for September 26, 2024

  •  1580: Sir Francis Drake completes circumnavigation of the globe aboard the Golden Hind
  • 1789: Thomas Jefferson appointed first Secretary of State, John Jay first Chief Justice, and Edmund Randolph first Attorney General
  • 1892: First appearance of John Philip Sousa's New Marine Band
  • 1961: Roger Maris hits #60
  • 1964: "Gilligan's Island" premiers
  • 1986: Antonin Scalia sworn is as Supreme Court Justice
  • 2016: First Hilary Clinton-Donald Trump debate
  • 2021: Switzerland votes to legalize same-sex marriage
  • 2023: Donald Trump found guilty of fraud for inflating asset values
  • Born: Francis of Assisi, T.S. Eliot, Winnie Mandela, Olivia Newton-John, Linda Hamilton, George Gershwin, Serena Williams, 
  • Died: Daniel Boone, Levi strauss, Bela Bartok, Byron Nelson, Paul Newman, Brooks Robinson
Turned to the Book of Haggai this morning. Haggai and Zechariah were prophets during the days of Zerubabbel and Ezra when Jerusalem was being rebuilt and the Temple restored. Cyrus issues the order that the captives may return to Jerusalem and Zerubabbel leads the first returnees. [Ezra 1-2] The people arrive in Jerusalem and celebrate the Feast of Booths and begin construction. [Ezra 3] But then opposition arises  and construction stops for 16 years. [Ezra 4]. King Darius is now the Persian king as the prophesy and preaching of Haggai begin in chapter 1. Haggai points out that the people have built houses for themselves but the House of the Lord is incomplete and twice urges them to "Consider your ways." [1:5, 7]  This is where I am listening this morning. Read the first 11 verses of Haggai with me.

  • Notice the condition of the people. 
    • Sow much, harvest little [1:6] Fed but not satisfied.
    • Clothed but not warm [1:6]
    • Earning, but their pocket has a hole in it [1:6]
    • They look for much, come home with little [1:8]
    • No rain--a drought.
  • The people  might be thinking these are physical conditions, but God sees them as spiritual conditions. Makes me examine my own life and the life of our nation. Unsatisfied, spiritual drought, seemingly successful, but cold. 
  • God tells them why in 1:9--You were freed from captivity to rebuild My House. You started, but with the first opposition, you stopped and turned to your own wants and wishes. Is the Lord speaking to me, to us. We get fired up about the Lord, then when we get resistance or opposition, we turn to our own stuff, our own interests, our own desires. 
This morning the Lord is saying to me--consider your ways. Are they His ways or my ways? Therein lies the problem. 



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