Thought for September 25, 2024
- 1513: Balboa is first European to see the Pacific Ocean
- 1789: Congress proposes the Bill of Rights
- 1890: Sequoia National Park created--second NP
- 1949: Billy Graham begins his Los Angeles Crusade
- 1981: Sandra Day O'Connor sworn in as first female Supreme Court Justice
- Born: Fletcher Christian, William Faulkner, Ethel Rosenberg, Phil Rizzuto, Barbara Walters, Christopher Reeve, Michael Douglas, Will Smith, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Scottie Pippen
- Died: Mary Astor, Andy Williams, Arnold Palmer, Emily Post, Hugo Black, Billy Carter [brother of the President], Don Adams,
Chapter 3 of Habakkuk is a prayer. The first 15 verses are written on two levels, or so it seems to me. First is the immediate time of the Babylonians invasion. But also, these verses seem to mirror the picture in Revelation. Jesus is coming in splendor and radiance [3:3-4]. But before He comes there is pestilence and plague. Mountains quake, sun and moon stand still. In any event, this morning I am focused on 3:17-19. What a statement of faith for Habakkuk. I am challenged. First look at what he says:
- Even if--no fruit on the vines, crops fail, flock destroyed, nothing to eat.
- I will
- Praise the Lord
- Rejoice in the God of my salvation
- Because
- God is my strength
- He has lifted me up to walk in high places
Think about that statement of faith. Now I am forced to try and apply it to my life and my possible experiences:
- Even if
- My health fails
- My money gives out
- My friends forsake me
- My children rebel against me
- I am in constant pain, mentally, physically, emotionally
- There is evil around me
- My nation and its leaders are unworthy
- I will
- Praise the Lord for He is worthy of praise
- Rejoice because my salvation is secure and my future is one filled with hope and blessing
- Stand firm and not give up or give in because He is my strength and greater is He in me than he who is in the world
- Because
- One day He will come and call me home
- He has prepared a place for me
- I will dwell with Him forever
Now if I can just be faithful to do that.
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