Thought for September 16, 2024

  •  1620: The Mayflower departs Plymouth England with 102 Pilgrims
  • 1869: First recorded hole-in-one, Tom Morris at Prestwick [8th hole]
  • 1908: General Motors founded
  • 1953: Movie "The Robe" premiers
  • 1965: Davie Jones changes his name to David Bowie to avoid confusion with Davy Jones of the Monkees
  • 1976: American Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as bishops and priests
  • Born: Charles Crocker, JC Penney, Lauren Bacall, David Copperfield, Amy Poehler, Nick Jonas, BB King, Elgin Baylor, Rosemary Casals, Orel Hershiser, 
  • Died: Daniel Fahrenheit, Maria Callas, Mary Travers, 
Reading Joel beginning in 2:28 and through the end of the book this morning. In the Hebrew Bible, chapter three begins with 2:28. This is a look at the future. Jesus says some of the same things in Matthew 24:29-31. Think about what the Lord says through Joel.
  •  God will pour out His Spirit. [2:28] We get glimpses of this when spontaneous revivals occur. We see this today on college campuses where young people cry out to the Lord. I am reminded of Elisha's encounter with the woman in 2 Kings 4. A poor woman is about to lose her children to a creditor. All she has is a jar of oil. Elisha tells her to get vessels and fill them with oil from the jar. Her sons borrow vessels from neighbors and she begins to pour, and pour, and pour. All the vessels are full and then the oil stops flowing. I ask, "why did the oil stop flowing? Was God's oil vat empty? Did God run out?" Then I understand that the flow of the oil and the flow of the Spirit is not limited by God's resources, but my capacity to receive. So maybe I just need to open more of myself to His control and His Spirit will fill to overflowing. 
  • There will be signs and wonders. [2:30-31] Before the Day of the Lord, there will be signs just as Jesus confirmed in Matthew 24. These are signs of warning for those who reject the Lord. These are signs of coming victory for those in Christ.
  • Those that call on the name of the Lord will be saved. [2:32] Our security is in Him.
  • Salvation means all things new when He comes. [3:1] His Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 
  • The nations will be gathered in the valley of Jehoshaphat. [3:2] This is the only mention of that valley by that name in the bible. Other places we read about the valley of Jezreel, the Plain of Esdraedon, the Plain of Megiddo, and the Battle of Armageddon. This is the area east of Mt. Carmel where Ahab and Jezebel lived and died. 
  • God will judge. [3:12-13] Read Revelation 14 this morning and see the picture given to John about this time. 
  • The faithful will see all the promises of Jesus come true. [3:16, 18-21] The Lord is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. And a new heaven and new earth and a new Jerusalem. A place where water flows and the mountains and hills drip with sweet wine and milk. 
Turn over and read Ezekiel 48:35. The name of the city on that day will be Jehovah Shammah--the Lord is there. Now recall Psalm 23--and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This gives me hope and encouragement for today. For the Day of the Lord is coming. 



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