Thought for August 7, 2024

  • 1946: First US commemorative coin for African American released [Booker T Washington]
  • 1964: Gulf of Tonkin resolution
  • 1984: US wins first ever Olympic Gold Medal in women's basketball
  • 1990: Operation Desert Shield begins
  • Born: Nathanael Greene, Louis Leakey, Charlize Theron, Mata Hari, Don Larsen, BJ Thomas, Alan Page, Patrick Kennedy [lives only 3 days], Sidney Crosby, Jalen Hurts
  • Died: Oliver Hardy, Peter Jennings, David McCullough, 
Yesterday we were thinking about hearing and seeing. Turn with me to Mark 8, especially 8:14-21. The first part of chapter 8 is the story of feeding 4,000 with 7 loaves and a few small fish. After the miracle and the collection of 7 baskets of leftovers, the disciples get into the boat with Jesus. Jesus is trying to teach them about the leaven of the Pharisees, but the disciples are concerned that they have only one loaf of bread. Now notice what Jesus says:
  • Is your heart hardened? Don't you understand yet? [8:17]
  • Can't you see and hear? [8:18]
  • Don't you remember? [8:18]
Monday we talked about a heart transplant for a hardened heart. Yesterday we talked about spiritual hearing and sight. Then Jesus feeds the 4,000 and expects the disciples to have open hearts, open ears and opens eyes. But they are focused on one loaf of bread. Boy, that sounds exactly like me. God performs miracles of grace and mercy, God provides an abundance, then I focus on what I don't have. I forget who it was that provided, who it was that protected, who it was that is in the boat with me.

Jesus asks the disciples some really hard questions--when I fed 5,000 with nothing were you paying attention? When I fed 4,000 with nothing, did you see what was happening? Jesus is the Lord of abundance. The One who creates something from nothing. The hymn, "It Took a Miracle" just came to my mind. "When He saved my soul, cleansed and made me whole, it took a miracle of love and grace."  Jesus is asking me, don't you remember--blind in the darkness and now you can see; ears opened to hear My voice; Jesus is still the miracle worker. I need to count blessings instead of worrying about what I don’t have.



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