Thought for August 24, 2024
- 1349: 6,000 Jews killed in Mainz, blamed for spreading Black Death
- 1456: Printing of the Gutenberg Bible completed
- 1662: Act of Conformity requires use of Book of common Prayer--Puritans ousted from their pulpits
- 1814: British capture Washington
- 1847: Charlotte Bronte completes manuscript of "Jane Eyre"
- 1891: Motion picture camera patented
- 1893: 1,000 die as tornados hit Savannah and Charleston
- 1932: Amelia Earhart completes first trans-continental flight by a woman
- 1989: Pete Rose banned for life
- 1992: Hurricane Andrew hits South Florida
- 2006: Pluto demoted to dwarf planet
- 2022: Biden announces forgiveness of student loans
- Born: Robert Herrick ["Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying"], William Wilberforce [introduced bills to end slavery for 18 years; English slave trade abolished in 1807, slaves freed in 1831], Yasser Arafat, Mike Shanahan, Cal Ripken,
- Died: E.G. Marshall, Richard Attenborough, Isaac Backus [Leading Baptist for religious freedom in Massachusetts]
Reading Mark 13: 36 today. This verse comes at the end of Jesus teaching about His coming again. Now, He tells the apostles that the angels and the Son do not know the Father's timing [13:32], but instead of worrying about the when, we are to be alert always, ready for His appearing.
I don't know about you, but I often have trouble staying awake. Eat dinner, find the comfortable chair, turn on a program I want to watch and wake up when it's over. Fall asleep in church or at the movies. Many of us have stayed up waiting on a child or grandchild or spouse to come home, only to find ourselves sleeping when they arrive. As I read verse 36, I wonder will I be awake when He comes. Now, I don't think Jesus is referring to physical sleep. I think He means am I working for the kingdom, or am I sleeping while the world dies around me. In other scripture, Jesus talks about how blessed is the servant when the master returns and finds him faithful.
Sometimes I wonder if I am sleepwalking through life. I seem to be awake and moving around, but my spiritual senses are sleeping--I am not alert to those around me, opportunities to share the good news, chances to lift someone's burden, opportunities to serve. Am I just leaving the impression of life when I am really asleep. Apparently Jesus knew me and my tendencies. He ends this chapter with "Be on the alert!" Be alert for false teachers, be alert for opposition, be alert for opportunities, be alert for temptations. Maybe I just need to be totally alert, awake and aware of what Jesus is doing so that I join Him in His mission.
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