Thought for August 23, 2024

  •  79: Vesuvius erupts
  • 1305 William Wallace executed
  • 1617: First one-way streets--London
  • 1796: African Methodist Episcopal Church incorporated
  • 1850: First American Women's Rights Convention 
  • 1942: Last calvary charge in history, Italian calvary charges Russian infantry
  • 1946: "The Big Sleep" premiers
  • 2005: Hurricane Katrina forms over the Bahamas
  • 2007: Hashtag invented and first used
  • Born: Gene Kelly, River Phoenix, Vera Miles Barbara Eden, Kobe Bryant, 
  • Died: Rudolph Valentino, Bobby Bonds, 
Reading Mark 13:1-13 this morning. Jesus has begun His response to the question of when the Temple will be destroyed. Some words from the Lord I need to hear in thinking and living in these days:
  • Don't be mislead. [13:5] Many are in the world with words and ideas to mislead us, to cause us to step off His path, to miss the Way. False teachers who claim to be religious or even Christian. False doctrines that claim to be for our good, for fairness, for justice. False lifestyles that promise peace and security but really lead to slavery and death. 
  • Don't be frightened. [13:7] One of Satan's most powerful weapons is fear. In fear, we give up rights so we can be protected. In fear, we compromise. In fear, we go along. In fear, we remain silent. Jesus warned not to be frightened by rumors of wars. He has won the battle and all wars shall cease with His coming. 
  • Be on guard, alert. [13:9] Why? The world will try and eliminate or silence the followers of Jesus. Be ready so that when we are standing before judges and governors, we will be ready to speak as the Spirit leads. I read this as be prepared, things are going to happen that will give you opportunity to speak truth. Don't miss them.
  • While we are on guard and alert, do not be anxious. [13:11] Don't worry about when this is going to happen or what you will say in response. Put on God's armor and stand fast, always ready to give an account of the hope that lies within you. We are to be prepared, but not anxious, for He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. 
It's Passion week. Jesus is answering important questions before His departure. What He said to the apostles, I need to hear, and believe and trust and obey. 



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