Thought for August 21, 2024

  •  1831: Nat Turner, a Baptist preacher, leads a rebellion. 
  • 1858: First Lincoln-Douglas debate
  • 1878: American Bar Association forms.
  • 1888: William Burroughs invents the adding machine
  • 1897: First Oldsmobile produced
  • 1942: "Bambi" premiers
  • 1947: First Little League World Series
  • 2015: On a train between Amsterdam and Paris, Ayoub El Khazzani shoots a man and is prepared to kill others [9 mm pistol and carbine with 8 magazines]. Three American servicemen subdue him. 
  • 2012: A total eclipse of the sun 
  • Born: Count Basie, Jack Buck, Wilt Chamberlain, Kenny Rogers, Usain Bolt,
  •  Died: Leon Trotsky, Ernest Thayer ["Casey at the Bat"], Civilla Durfree Martin [She wrote many hymns. "God Will Take Care of You," "His Eye is on the sparrow," And "The blood will Never Lose Its Power"]
Reading a much preached upon passage today, Mark 11:25. When you pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive. I have to ask myself, when I pray do I examine myself to see if I am holding anything against anyone. What if I just started my prayer time by first thinking about those who have hurt me--have I forgiven them and do they know I have forgiven them. Then maybe I ask the Lord to remind me about any of the people I have forgotten to forgive or refused to forgive. 

I am thinking about why Jesus told His disciples this command. It was Passion Week, so maybe He wanted them to understand the cost of forgiveness He was about to pay on the cross. For there, He said, "Father forgive them." Maybe He wanted us to remember that no matter what someone has done to us, we have done more to Him and He has forgiven us. Maybe He wanted them to understand the power that He mentions in 11:22-24 flows from forgiveness. I cannot say that I have great faith and not forgive. I cannot say that my prayers are answered if I do not forgive. 

I am thinking about all the things I think people have done to me over the years. Lied about what I have done or why I have done it. Taken my property. Miss used or misunderstood my attempts at good deeds. Failed to recognize or thank me for things I think I have done for them. Hurt someone I love. Recognized others for things I accomplished. Denied me opportunities that I think I deserved. Then, I think about all the ways I have hurt Jesus--failed to obey, failed to give glory, sins of the flesh, failing to follow, or maybe I hurt someone He loves. 

I could never forgive others for as much as He has forgiven me.  So Lord, remind me every time I pray to examine myself and forgive.



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