Thought for August 14, 2024
- 1848: Oregon Territory created
- 1935: Social Security Act becomes law
- 1937: Appalachian Trail completed
- 1945: V-J Day
- 1980: Democratic Convention nominates Jimmy Carter
- Born: Doc Holiday, Steve Martin, Gary Larson [Far Side], Halle Berry, Mike Vrabel, Danielle Steel, Sarah Brightman, Magic Johnson
- Died: David Farragut, William Randolph Hearst, Enzo Ferrari
Reading Mark 9:33-37 today. ESPN and other sports networks spend much time debating who is the greatest, who is the GOAT. Sports radio could not exist if people were not arguing about who is the greatest. We argue about who was the greatest president, military commander, singer, movie star. Who was the greatest band of all time, the greatest guitarist, pianist, yes, even preacher. The Olympics have raised this same question--is Simone Biles the greatest gymnast?
Three disciples had been on the Mount of Transfiguration. The other disciples could not heal the boy possessed with an evil spirit. [9:14-29] Jesus tried to explain about His death and resurrection, but the disciples could not understand [9:30-32]. And yet, the disciples were discussing who among them was the greatest. I can hear Peter, James and John saying, "we were on the mountain and saw Elijah and Moses and heard the voice of God." And I can hear James and John and others saying to Peter, "you are not the greatest because Jesus called you Satan." [8:33]
Really, is there any question about who is the greatest? God Himself asked, where were you when I placed the stars in space? Where were you when I created the animals from nothing? Where were you when I breathed life into a body and called him man? Who has measured all the oceans in the palm of His hand or measured the heavens with his hand? Who has weighed the mountains? Who has advised God or given Him counsel? Who treats the expanse of space [only a part seen by our most powerful telescopes] like a tent? Who never gets tired, knows everything, sees everything? Who has all power and all authority? [Isaiah 40:12-31] And this Jesus is God!
Who is the greatest? I am convicted this morning because I know who is the greatest. Maybe I should spend more time proclaiming and less time arguing about who the greatest college football team will be this season.
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