Thought for August 13, 2024

  •  1521: Cortez captures the last Aztec Emperor
  • 1587" Manteo is the first Native American baptized by Protestants in America
  • 1923: US Steel adopts the 8-hour work day
  • 1942: Manhattan Project begins
  • 1961; Construction of Berlin Wall begins
  • 1981: Last Walton's episode
  • 2008: Michael Phelps wins three Gold Medals in one day
  • Born: Annie Oakley, Alfred Hitchcock, Ben Hogan, Fidel Castro, Janet Yellen, Betsy King
  • Died: Florence Nightingale, HG Wells, Mickey Mantle, Phil Rizzuto, Ira Sankey [musician and singer for Dwight Moody crusades], Elizabeth Prentiss [Wrote "More Love to Thee"]
Still pondering the transfiguration in Mark 9 this morning. Yesterday, I was thinking about the conversation Jesus had with Moses and Elijah as they discussed His coming departure at Jerusalem where He would accomplish His mission. Now I would really like to know what Moses and Elijah said about the departure. Along with Enoch, the departures of Elijah and Moses are unique in the Bible. 

Genesis 5:24 tells us that Enoch [grandfather of Methuselah] walked with God and he was not for God took him. As you read chapter 5 of Genesis, notice that all the men listed "lived" a certain number of years except Enoch. When we get to 5:22, Enoch "walked with God 300 years" and 5:24 says "Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him." All the others listed in chapter 5 "died." But Enoch walked with God and God took him. 

Moses died and God buried him [Deuteronomy 34]. Notice that when he died, he was 120 years old, but his eye was not dim nor his vigor abated. Sometimes we see the death of a person that is young, vigorous, healthy and we wonder why. Moses died when he was still healthy, but it was God's plan and His timing. Moses had accomplished his assignment. 

Elijah's departure is reported in 2 Kings 2. As he and Elisha were "going along" a chariot and horses of fire appeared and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 

So Jesus stands on the mountain with two prophets of God to discuss His departure. One died and was buried by God. One was taken to heaven without dying. What a discussion this must have been. 

In thinking about these men, I am praising God. God is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Enoch was not, he just kept on walking with God in a new place. Moses was buried by God but is with God in glory. Jesus departed His physical body, accomplished His mission and will return. And one day, all of us who are in Christ will be transfigured--new bodies, for then we shall be like Him. 



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