Thought for July 22, 2024

  •  1796: Cleveland Ohio founded by General Moses Cleaveland--current spelling adopted because Cleaveland was too long to fit on newspaper.
  • 1942: Nazis begin sending 300,000 Polish Jews to Treblinka Extermination Camp
  • 1975: House votes to restore citizenship to Robert E Lee
  • 2011: Two terror attacks in Norway--bombing in Oslo and massacre at youth camp 
  • Born: Alex Trebek, Rose Kennedy, Alexander Calder, Bob Dole, Prince George, Louise Fletcher, Danny Glover, Selena Gomez, Sonny Liston
  • Died: John Dillinger, Estelle Getty, Carl Sandburg, 
Considering Mark 3:11 this morning. Jesus has taught in the synagogue, preached in villages, healed many including the leper in 1:40, the paralytic in chapter 2 and the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath in chapter 3. He has eating with Matthew and his friends and His disciples have picked grain on the Sabbath. Now notice 3:11--"Whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and cry out. 'You are the Son of God'." I am amazed by this verse. 

First, I am amazed that all those that heard Jesus preach and all those that Jesus healed did not fall down before Him and proclaim, "You are the Son of God." What more evidence did they need than what they had seen and heard? He spoke with authority. He healed the sick miraculously. He even cleansed the leper, something only God could do. He had declared Himself Lord of the Sabbath [2:28]. Yet, apparently only the demons acknowledged Him as the Christ. Makes me wonder about my life and the life of our church. We have seen Him do miracles; we have seen Him transform lives; we have personally experienced His power and love and forgiveness--but do I find myself falling down in awe and proclaiming Him as God. Does my mind and will bow to His authority? Lord, You alone are God. There is none like You. 

Second, I am amazed that here early in the ministry of Jesus, we see the end times revealed. For at His coming, every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth, and every tongue will confess that He is God to the glory of the Father. These demons were doing what they knew they had to do--kneel and confess. Again, this makes me examine my own life--do I live in an attitude of kneeling and confessing. Does my walk demonstrate that I am yielded to Him and proclaim Him as God? Maybe I can learn something from the demons. 



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