Thought for July 19, 2024

  • 1692: Five people hanged for witchcraft in Salem 
  • 1848: First US Women's Right's Convention
  • 1877: First Wimbledon Tennis Championship--Men only
  • 1941: Churchill launches "V" for victory campaign
  • 1984: Geraldine Ferraro becomes first female vice presidential candidate
  • 1989: United DC 10 crashes in Sioux City Iowa killing 112
  • 2007: "Mad Men" debuts
  • Born: Samuel Colt, Edgar Degas, Lizzie Borden, Charles Mayo [Mayo Clinic], George McGovern, Vikki Carr, Ilie Nastase, Anthony Edwards, Benedict Cumberbatch, 
  • Died: Syngman Rhee, Clyde Beatty, Mary Jo Kopechne, Jack Warden, Frank McCourt, James Garner, Garry Marshall, 
Reading the story of the leper in Mark 1:40-45 this morning. Take a look back at Mark chapter 1. In this chapter, Mark has told us about John the Baptist, Jesus' baptism, calling disciples, teaching and miracles [casting out demons, healing sicknesses], taking time alone to pray.  Mark covers a lot of territory in one chapter. 

This morning I am focused on 1:40, a verse that is very familiar. The leper comes to Jesus and says, "if you are willing,  you can make me clean." And Jesus responds, "I am willing." We all know the plight of the leper. Incurable disease. No human contact except for other lepers. Required to proclaim their uncleanliness to anyone approaching. No hope, no cure, no future.

Somehow this leper knew that Jesus had the power to cleanse him. He came saying, I know you can cleanse me. The question is not Jesus' power, His ability, His authority. The question is will He? Now, I do not know why Jesus chooses some to heal in this life and others to heal only in heaven. I don't know why some prayers seem to be answered while others are not. But I trust Jesus--I trust His love, His grace, His mercy, His plan and His timing. I know that He is always working for my eternal good and His glory. 

What I think God is trying to tell me in this story is that Jesus has all power and all authority. He has a plan that is perfect. I may not understand the plan or the timing, but I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep every promise He ever made and will keep every promise--for all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. 

What I am thinking about this morning is cleansing. In the Bible, other diseases and illnesses are cured/healed--leprosy is always cleansed. As I think about it, we are all lepers--incurable disease, no hope, no future, unclean, unholy. But in Christ, we are cleansed because He who knew no sin became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God. This story makes 1 John 1:9 come alive--if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Our sins need cleansing just like the lepers spots. Lord, this morning, examine me closely, check me for any signs of leprosy, any sin that I am hiding or ignoring--I know that if I confess, You are willing. 



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