Thought for July 13, 2024

  •  1832: Source of the Mississippi River discovered--Lake Itasca Minnesota
  • 1837: Queen Elizabeth moves into Buckingham Palace
  • 1865: Horace Greeley says "Go west, young man"
  • 1898: San Francisco Ferry Building opens
  • 1923: "Hollywood" sign officially dedicated
  • 1942: Nazis execute 5,000 Jews in Polish Ukraine
  • 1956: "Hound Dog" released as a single
  • 1978: Lee Iacocca fired by Ford
  • 2016: Theresa May elected British Prime Minister
  • Born: Julius Caesar, Nathan Bedford Forrest, John Jacob Astor IV, Dave Garroway, Bob Crane ["Hogan's Heroes"], Jack Kemp, Patrick Stewart, Harrison Ford, Erno Rubik, Cheech Marin, Tony Kornheiser, Louise Mandrell, Michael Spinks, 
  • Died: John C Fremont, Alfred Stieglitz, Frida Kahlo, Grantland Rice, Leslie Groves [Manhattan Project], Red Button, George Steinbrenner, 
Reading Mark 1:16-20 today. Other gospels tell us more information about Jesus calling His disciples. Look at Mark's account:
  • The invitation--follow me. Jesus has just been said to have preached the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the gospel of God [1:15]. Now Jesus extends the invitation to Simon and Andrew, James and John. Follow me. Something every good leader knows is that you invite your people to follow you. You don't send them, you lead them. The son of Theodore Roosevelt was the only general to actually lead his troops ashore at Normandy on D Day. Eisenhower called him the bravest man--did not have to go, but could say to his men, "follow me." I am amazed and blessed by the thought that Jesus walks before us--He says follow Me. He doesn't send me anywhere He has not been, no place where He is not present, no place where I am beyond His voice and view. Because I follow Him, He leads, guides, directs, provides, protects. 
  • The promise--Jesus will make us fishers of men. He provides the wisdom, the strength, the words, the energy. He sustains us, provides for us. He teaches us His ways, shows us how through His word. He is the master instructor for on-the-job training. Watch me and do likewise.
  • The response--immediate. I have received an invitation for an all-expense paid life. All I need to do is follow. Who can refuse such an invitation from the King of kings? Notice, I leave my nets--He has new nets for me to use. I stop using human nets because I am on a spiritual mission. I need those spiritual weapons described by Paul in Ephesians. I may need to leave my family. But Jesus gives us new brothers and sisters to walk together as we follow Him
Lord, help me today to hear Your invitation, trust Your promise, and follow willingly and gratefully as You lead.



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