Thought for July 12, 2024
- 1843: Joseph Smith says God allows polygamy
- 1862: Congress authorizes the Medal of Honor
- 1901: Cy Young wins his 300th game
- 1909: Congress passes 16th Amendment--income tax
- 1916: Final shark attack in series on the Jersey shore over 12 days--Jaws
- 1957: Eisenhower is first President to fly in helicopter
- 1970 Thor Heyerdahl arrives in Barbados crossing the Atlantic on RA II
- 1976: "Family Feud" debuts
- 1984: Mondale selects Geraldine Ferraro as Vice-Presidential candidate
- Born: Henry David Thoreau, George Eastman, Milton Berle, Bill Cosby, Kristi Yamaguchi, Inbee Park, John Wedgwood, Buckminster Fuller [geodesic dome], Pablo Neruda, Van Cliburn, Cheryl Ladd,
- Died: Erasmus, Alexander Hamilton, Charles Rolls, Alfred Dreyfus, Alexander Cartwright ["father of baseball"], Lon Chaney, Ted Mack "Original amateur Hour"], John Chancellor,
As I read Mark 1:14-15, I think about the simplest sermon. Jesus is preaching the gospel of God--God's good news. The One spoken of by the prophets is here, walking among you- Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Now notice His message:
- Time is fulfilled or time has been filled up. The time has come. Galatians 4:4 tells us that when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son. Paul writes in Ephesian 1: "He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to the administration suitable to the fullness of time, that is, summing up all things in Christ, things in heaven and things upon the earth in Him." Ecclesiastes tells us that God makes all things beautiful in its time. So Jesus comes when time is ready for His appearance. God has planned and prepared all things for His appearing. Jesus first message is that the time is now. We have all been there--we have thought about something, planned something, prepared for something and finally, it is time. Through the ages, God had planned for this moment when the Son would be revealed and His ministry would begin--the time is now and Jesus announces it. Here I am! The long awaited One, the long expected One, the One that you need. We live in the same age--very soon, Jesus will come a second time. We proclaim His coming and we look for the signs of His coming. We do not know the day or hour, but we want to be ready and for everyone else to be ready. When Jesus came in the flesh, He announced, "the time is now."
- The kingdom is at hand. The kingdom of God is here for you to see and join. The parables often begin the kingdom of God is like [Matthew 13]. Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world. So I ask myself why do I spend so much time worrying about the kingdom of this world and so little time devoted to the kingdom of God. Today, our proclamation is the kingdom of God is at hand in the person of Jesus--come join the everlasting kingdom.
- Repent and believe in the gospel. Turn from my wicked ways and believe the good news that Jesus has come as Savior and Lord and invites me into an eternal relationship. Simple to say, difficult to place all my trust in it. But that is the invitation.
I sometimes think about all the methods and processes we create to share the gospel. Jesus said it so simply--repent and believe that I have won the victory. Follow me.
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