Thought for June 4, 2024

  •  1070: Roquefort cheese created in a cave
  • 1789: Noah Webster announces his intention to compile a dictionary of American English. Bernard Shaw called the Americans and Brits “Two people separated by a common language."
  • 1792: George Puget claims Puget Sound for Britain
  • 1896: Henry Ford drives his first Ford through Detroit
  • 1919: Congress passes women's suffrage bill
  • 1927: First Ryder Cup
  • 1940: Miracle of Dunkirk concludes--338,226 troops evacuated
  • 1942: Capitol Records opens for business
  • 1973: Patent issued for ATM
  • 1990: Jack Kevorkian assists woman to commit suicide
  • Born: George III, Noah Wylie, Angelina Jolie, Russell Brand, Rosalind Russell, Robert Merrill, Bruce Dern, Robert Fulghum ["All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"]
  • Died: Casanova, Clete Boyer, Bill France Sr., John Wooden, Dwight Clark, Clarence Williams III ["Mod Squad"]
Reading Psalm 90 today. This is a prayer of Moses placed among the song book of the children of Israel. Verse 12 is speaking to me again this morning. "So teach us to number our days that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom." First take a look with me at the thoughts expressed in this psalm before verse 12.
  • God is an everlasting God [90:2]. God was here before time began. There are no ends to His days. He does not celebrate New Years. He does not work from a calendar. He lives beyond time and we live in time on this earth. One day, we will join Him outside time in the great forever. 
  • God does not measure time as we do. [90:4] In God's eyes, no time has passed since the crusaders entered Jerusalem 1300 years ago or Columbus discovered America almost 1000 years ago. In His sight we are contemporaries with those that signed the Magna Carta.
  • Man fades but God and His word stand forever [90:5-6]. In the flesh we are fragile, temporary, like a mist. He is eternal. 
  • God sees even our "secret sins." [90:8] Not only is God eternal, He sees every detail, every nuance of our lives. Nothing escapes His view of attention. 
With those thoughts in mind--Lord teach us to number our day. You who are eternal instruct us how to invest the days You have given us here. I think God is saying that we need to be taught how to live so that we can account to Him for the days He has given us. I am reminded about the parable of those that the Master gave talents to use, went on a journey, then returned to receive an accounting. Some did well and doubled their talents, others buried their talents. Time is the same--am I investing my time of burying it. I need to know what will please the one who gave me today when He asks me about it. Has some one ever asked you, "what did you do today?" My grandchildren hate that question. Why? It makes them think about how they spent the day. Here, God is saying, Larry, how did you spend your day or perhaps, how did you invest your day. 

Notice the goal--what I did today is a present I am giving to Him [90:12] He gave me the day, I give back to Him a day well spent. Did what I said and did today demonstrate a heart that has wisdom from above? Or does my day look like the day a fool would report. Lord, teach us to be wise. 

The last verses of this chapter are almost a prayer that asks God to be pleased with the day we present to him--confirm to us that what we have done is pleasing to You. 

Maybe that should be the way we live today--God has given us a present, today. Lord, give us wisdom to live it for You and Your glory. And tonight, Lord, may You be able to confirm that we did good. We yearn for You to say, "well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your salvation." 



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