Thought for June 25, 2024
- 1630: Fork introduced to American dining by Governor Winthrop
- 1672: First recorded meeting of the Quakers in America
- 1678: Elena Piscopia is first woman to receive a doctor of philosophy degree--University of Padua
- 1876: Battle of the Little Big Horn
- 1910: Stravinsky's "Firebird" premiers
- 1929: President Hoover authorizes building Hoover Dam
- 1950: North Korea invades South Korea
- 1951: First color television broadcast
- 1962: Supreme Court rules prayer in public school illegal
- 1978: First use of the rainbow flag as symbol of gay pride--San Francisco
- 1984: Prince releases his "Purple Rain" album
- Born: Lord Mountbatten, George Orwell, June Lockhart ["Lassie"], Willis Reed, George Michael, James Meredith, Carly Simon, Jimmie Walker ["Good Times"]. Anthony Bourdain, Ricky Gervais, Phyllis George
- Died: George Custer, Johnny Mercer, Jacques Cousteau, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson
Reading Psalm 127:3-5 today. Interesting that the first two verses of the chapter tell us to go to the Lord as the Master Builder and the only sure watchman and guard. The last three verses address our children. Certainly helping our children build lives devoted to God and guarded by His hand is a prime directive for each of us. Look at what Solomon, the wise one, says:
- Children are a gift and reward from God. When a baby is born, we usually think of the baby as a gift from God. As they grow into children, teen agers and young adults, sometimes we question whether they are truly gifts and rewards. Like us, they rebel, ignore, go their own ways. Then we wait again for the reward of grandchildren. This verse makes me rethink what God is saying here. If we believe that building without God is vain and futile, if we believe that He is the only vigilant and wise guardian, how does that impact the way we look at our children. We often talk about how we use the gifts of time, talent and resources God abundantly provides. I should view my children that same way--a gift from God that requires my attention, my investment, my love, and my stewardship. I cannot ask others at church or school or coaches or leaders to fill my role. They can help me as I fulfill my role, but I have the primary responsibility for the growth and building of the children God gives me.
- Children are like arrows. I really like a quote from Kahil Gibran: "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladnesss; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He also the bow that is stable." The psalm reminds me that the arrows belong to the Lord, He =created them and gave them to us. We are the bows in His hands. He uses us as His instrument to propel and direct the arrows into the future. We want to be willing bows in the hands of the Great Archer--willing to allow Him to guide us as we guide and direct our children. When the bows rebel against the archer, the arrows may fly in the wrong direction with the wrong trajectory. But when we yield to the Archer, He helps us send our children into the future with strength, power, encouragement, hope, joy and peace--all from the hand of the Archer.
Lord, some of us messed up with our children. Help us be better grandparents and great grandparents. Use us as your instruments for leading and sending the next generations along the path You have chosen.
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