Thought for June 10, 2024

  • 1692: Bridget Bishop is the first of 19 people executed as a witch in Salem MA.
  • 1752: Benjamin Franklin flies a kite with a key attached and collecting an ambient electrical charge.
  • 1845: At the funeral of Andrew Jackson, his pet parrot "got excited and commenced swearing so loud and long as to disturb the people and had to be carried from the house."
  • 1898: US Marines land in Cuba during Spanish American War
  • 1925: Tennessee adopts textbook denying evolution. A statute had been passed in March that made teaching evolution a crime. This led to the "Monkey Trial" in Dayton TN. In May, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted its first "Baptist Faith and Message" stating that man was the unique creation of God.
  • 1935: Alcoholics Anonymous founded in Akron Ohio. 12-step method published in 1939.
  • 1963: John Kennedy signs the Equal Pay Act
  • 1977: Al Geiberger shoots 59 at the Memphis Classic
  • Born:  Hattie McDaniel, Prince Philip, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Hurley, Clyde Beatty [animal trainer], Saul Bellow, Dan Fouts, Tara Lipinski
  • Died: Alexander the great, Marcus Garvey, Spencer Tracy, John Gotti, Ted Kaczynski, Edwin Excell [music for "Count Your Blessings" and words and music for "Since I Have Been Redeemed."], Jack Johnson [boxer], Louis L'Amour, Ray Charles, Gordie Howe, 
Reading Psalm 113 this morning. As I read these 9 verses, my mind looks at them out of order. I am led to first think about verses 5-9. Who is like the Lord our God? Have you ever been talking about someone that you know well, but that the person you are talking with does not know. Then they ask, "what is he/she like?" Maybe the last time you had this conversation was back in high school when someone told you about a girl, or boy that you should date---you asked, tell me what they are like? This morning if someone asked you what the Lord your God was like, what would you say? Look at what the psalmist says:
  • God is enthroned on high. He occupies a position above everyone and everything. He is supreme. He created everything and sustains everything. He is King.
  • Yet, this Great God who creates and sustains sees everything that happens on earth. Did you notice? God acts with humility when He lowers Himself to even pay attention to the things of earth. We are so small and insignificant when compared with God that He must exercise humility to see us--this takes me back to Psalm 8--when I consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, what is man that God even thinks about him or cares about him. This makes me stop and praise Him for His infinite grace and mercy.
  • What is our response to God's mercy and grace--to Jesus who left His throne in glory and became like us so that we could become like Him? Look at verses 1-4. Our response is
    • Praise His name; for at that name every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.
    • Bless the name of the Lord. Recognize that for His people His name brings blessings abundant and free.
    • Sing of His glory, His majesty, His awesomeness! 
When we are asked what is God like, what will we say?



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