Thought for May 7, 2024

  •  1429: Joan of Arc breaks the siege of Orleans
  • 1824: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony premiers in Vienna
  • 1867: Alfred Nobel patents dynamite
  • 1912: Columbia University approves plans for awarding Pulitzer Prize in several categories
  • 1915: Lusitania sunk by German sub, 1198 die
  • 1945: Germany signs unconditional surrender
  • 1952: Geoffrey Dummer publishes concept of the integrated circuit
  • Born: Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Edwin Land [Polaroid], 
  • Died: Antonio Salieri, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Seve Ballesteros, H.H. Holmes [America's first serial killer], Craig Wood [Masters and U.S. Open in 1941]
Yesterday, we were thinking about the blessings of walking, standing and sitting in the right place with the right people for the right reason. Yesterday, the instructions were in the negative--don't listen to the counsel of the wicked, stand with sinners, sit with scoffers. Today, we are given the positive directions in Psalm 1:2.

Rather than walk in the counsel of the wicked, delight in God's word. God has all wisdom. He has all knowledge. He always seeks what is for our good. What other counselor can truthfully claim that? Do you ever find yourself listening to someone and their ideas and rationale seem logical and good. You find yourself nodding in agreement. Then the Spirit says, Larry, that is not consistent with the Word. When I have decisions to make, do I ask others what they think, list the pros and cons, consult with great thinkers, flip a coin? Or do I seek His wisdom from His word? Now I know that we can get godly counsel from other believers, but prayer and the word are our first resort.

Rather than standing with sinners and sitting with scoffers, the blessed one meditates on the word day and night. Did you notice the two words this verse uses--delights and meditates. The word is not something that I read and obey hesitatingly, begrudgingly, reluctantly---I delight in knowing what the written word and the Living Word have to tell me. Think about what delights you today--grandchildren, children, your job, a vacation, a hobby. Does the word really delight you? 

What occupies the thoughts of your mind---what do you meditate about---the future, a trip, a car, a house, a job, retirement. When you are just sitting or going to bed, what thoughts are filling your mind and heart. Are you meditating on His word and on Him? I find that music helps me meditate--hymns, praise songs  that contain good theology. As I write, what comes to my mind--"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know, fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go." If you go to sleep with His song and His word in your mind, I find that I wake up singing in my mind. 

Today, we know what not to do, and we know what to do if we want to experience His blessings. 



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