Thought for May 23, 2024
- 1785: Ben Franklin announces creation of bifocals
- 1873: First Preakness
- 1949: Federal Republic of Germany
- 1980: "The Shining" released
- Born: Linnaeus [father of Taxonomy], Ambrose Burnside [sideburns], Douglas Fairbanks,
- Died: William Kidd [pirate], Henrik Ibsen, Bonnie Parker, Clyde Barrow, John D. Rockefeller,
Pondering Psalm 37:1-11. I really need to read this passage often. Look at the instructions this passage contains:
- Don't fret about evildoers and do not envy wrongdoers. [37:1] How should I look at the wealth and riches of those that seem to do evil? David tells us not to fret or envy. Have you ever studied the word "fret"? I usually think of fretting as being worried or anxious about something. Questioning why something is happening. And that is one of the meanings of fret; however, another meaning is eat or gnaw into, rub, chafe. So when I see people seeming to prosper by doing evil, does it make me anxious or make me question why God is allowing this to happen? Or do I let it eat at me, affect my joy and peace, rub me the wrong way? Does my fretting lead me to envy the evildoer--I want that money, that house, that popularity, that position?
- Why should I not fret or envy? The evil will not last forever and their riches and wealth will not last either. [37:2, 9] My riches in Christ are permanent, eternal. Their seeming prosperity will not withstand the fire. The humble will receive His inheritance . [37:9, 11] And the riches of Jesus far exceed the things I envy and fret about.
- Instead of fretting, what should I do?
- Trust the Lord [37:3]. Trust Him for His timing, for His provision, for His justice. When I question why the evil seem to prosper, I am questioning God's plan or His power or His purpose. Trust Him.
- Do good [37:3]. Don't allow my fretting or envy to lead me to thinking evil thoughts or taking things into my own hands or compromising with the world. Instead--do good.
- Cultivate faithfulness [37:3]. Think about that. My faith needs tending, weeding, watering. If I fail to cultivate my faith, my faith weakens and fades. Go to the word, seek God in prayer. If I don't understand, pray.
- Delight in the Lord. [37:4]. What do I delight in--banana pudding; grandchildren, sports. I should take delight in all that Jesus is and is doing. Delight is to take pleasure in, get satisfaction from. I need to get my joy and peace from delighting in the Lord. Makes me think of that hymn, "Is my Master satisfied with me?" I am satisfied with Him. Notice, when I envy and fret, I am dissatisfied. When I delight in the Lord, my heart is conformed to His and I seek those things that He seeks--then I receive the desires of my transformed heart.
- Commit my ways to the Lord. [37:5] Be all in, 100%. Commit to following His way. Rather than being double-minded--torn between the world and Jesus--be totally committed to following His way--focus on Him.
- Rest in the Lord and wait patiently. [37:7] Wait on the timing of the Lord. It may seem like a long wait, but measured by eternity it is a moment. Rest on His promises--they are true and secure.
Lord, write these thoughts on my heart today--
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