Thought for May 14, 2024

  •  1796: Edward Jenner gives first smallpox shot 
  • 1804: Lewis & Clark leave St. Louis
  • 1853: Gail Borden patents process for condensed milk
  • 1878: Vaseline is patented
  • 1938: "Robin Hood" released with Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland
  • 1942: Women's Army Auxiliary Corps formed [WAAC}
  • 1948: Israel declares independence and Harry Truman recognizes the new nation
  • 1949: President Truman signs law creating a rocket test range at Cape Canaveral
  • 1973: Skylab launched
  • 1988: Drunk driver hits church bus carrying youth group in Carrollton KY-27 die
  • 1998: Final "Seinfeld" episode
  • 2018: Supreme Court strikes down federal law banning sports gambling in most states
  • Born: Thomas Gainsborough, Bobby Darin, George Lucas, Robert Zemeckis, Suzy Kolber, Cate Blanchett, Mark Zuckerberg
  • Died: Louis XIII, Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra, BB King
Still reading in Psalm 18 this morning, now focused on verses 30-36 which are a continuation of the thoughts in verses 1-3 that we considered yesterday. 

Interesting that verse 30 mentions His way and His word. When I walk in His way and dine on His word, then all of those things we mentioned yesterday are present--salvation, strength, refuge, deliverance, shield. Here David expands on that theme:
  • His way is perfect, so walk in it and be blameless.
  • His word is tried and true--believe it, trust it, obey it.
  • Now notice, Our Lord/Master is God--the only true and living God, the only sound and secure rock on which to build lives for eternity. 
What has this Great God done for us?
  • Sets us on high places. Back in 18:4-6, David speaks of being ensnared by death, crying for help. Then in 18:16-19, God answered and rescued David.  Has He done the same for you and me? Reminds me of the old hymn, "I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore . . . But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry, from the waters lifted me now safe am I." 
  • Trains us for battle. We have victory in Jesus because He has won the war, but the evil one continues the battle. God's word is a training manual for combat soldiers.
  • Gives us a shield of salvation--it protects me for those darts of Satan.
  • After training and equipping, God upholds me with His righteous right hand. We cannot win the battle in our own strength, we are empowered by His mighty hand.
  • We have put on the shoes of the gospel of peace and our feet will not slip. Picture the Roman soldier or the football lineman. They have cleats in their shoes to dig in, be steadfast, not move. God equips us with the shoes to stand firm in the face of the enemy. 
All of those make sense to me. Verse 35 causes me to pause. My translation says, "Thy gentleness makes me great." The word for "gentleness” here has been translated "condescension." "goodness," "providence," "humility." I think what David is saying is that any greatness that David has achieved is a result of God's graciousness. When we go back and read the list above, it would be easy for me to try and take credit for any accomplishments. But David wants to make clear, that any success he has gained has been because of God's graciousness to him. So as I thank and praise God for all His blessings and gifts, I acknowledge that He alone is worthy of praise and that all that I am is by His grace.



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