Thought for May 11, 2024

  •  1752: First fire insurance policy issued in the U.S.
  • 1816: American Bible Society forms
  • 1910: Glacier National Park formed
  • 1926: First long chat between C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien. Lewis converted 5 years later
  • 1947: Goodrich announces development of the tubeless tire
  • 1949: Israel becomes a member of the UN
  • 1953: Tornado kills 114 in Waco
  • 1960: Adolph Eichmann captured in Buenos Aires
  • 1969: Monty Python forms
  • 1987: First heart-lung transplant
  • Born: Irving Berlin, Martha Graham, Salvador Dali, Phil Silvers, Mort Sahl, Louis Farrakhan, Cam Newton
  • Died: John D Rockefeller Jr., Bob Marley, Douglas Adams ["Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"], Floyd Patterson, Dottie Rambo, Jerry Stiller
Reading Psalm 15 this morning. David asks a question and then answers it. The question--"O Lord, who may abide in Thy tent? Who may dwell on Thy holy hill?" Lord, who is it that is welcome in Your dwelling place? Then David answers: The one who
  • Walks with integrity. Integrity has a couple of meanings. It means honest and of high moral standards. It also means whole, complete, united. For me it means I keep the standards I say I believe in. Not hypocritical. I say Jesus is Lord--my life demonstrates that I am true to that claim.
  • Works righteousness. Galatians speaks of the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Ephesians says we are created in Christ for good works--His works. Do my works flow from being Christ's workmanship? Am I His poem written to the world to reveal Himself? 
  • Speaks truth. Jesus is the truth. Do I speak His truth or do I distort, add, subtract. 
  • Doesn't slander. Do I say things about others to puff myself up or put them down. Do I try and lift myself by coloring the truth about others. 
  • Doesn't do evil to his neighbor. The second great commandment--do I love my neighbor? 
  • Despises a reprobate. Have you looked up reprobate in the dictionary? Rascal, depraved, unprincipled, scoundrel, without scruples, perverted, debased. Do I honor reprobates, speak well of them, praise them. They may be bad but I like their policies, their performance, their entertainment.
  • Honors those who fear the Lord. This is the other side of the coin--I hold in dishonor the reprobate and I honor those who fear God, honor God, obey God. 
  • Swears to his own hurt. I tell the truth even though it will hurt me financially, professionally. 
  • Doesn't put out money at interest. Here it is probably usury, although Jews were told not to charge interest to a brother. 
  • Doesn't take a bribe. My first thoughts are making decisions because of a bribe. But a promotion might be a bribe. Keeping a secret might be a bribe. Hush money might be a bribe. 
What is all this about---these verses tell us that those who dwell with the Lord have to be like him. We cannot do that in our power, but the indwelling power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit helps us become more like Him. We enter His tent because we have accepted His righteousness as a gift of salvation. Lord, help me die to Larry and live for You. 



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