Thought for March 5, 2024
- 310: Adianus thrown to the lions and later killed with a sword for being a Christian
- 1558: Smoking tobacco introduced in England
- 1743: First religious journal published in the U.S.--The Christian History
- 1770: Boston Massacre--Crispus Attucks, an African American, is the first to die
- 1807: Beethoven's Fourth Symphony premiers
- 1836: Samuel Colt produces his first pistol--- 34 calibre Texas model
- 1853: Steinway Piano Company forms
- 1904: Tesla describes "ball" lightning
- 1934: Mother-in-Law Day first celebrated---Amarillo TX
- 1970: "Airport" movie released
- 1984: Supreme Court says a city may use public funds for a nativity scene
- 1994: Largest milkshake--1955 gallons--chocolate
- 2019: Bugatti announces the La Voiture Noire automobile--1 produced and sold for $19 million
- Born: James Merritt Ives [Currier & Ives], Rex Harrison, Penn Jillette [Penn & Teller], Andy Gibb, Michael Irvin
- Died: Alessandro Volta [first battery], John Adams [last of the Bounty mutineers], David Buick, Edgar Lee Masters [Spoon River Anthology], Joseph Stalin, Sergei Prokofiev ["Peter and the Wolf"], Patsy Cline, Jay Silverheels [Tonto], John Belushi
Yesterday we looked at Colossians 3:1-4 the beginning of this responsive set of verses beginning with "if you have been raised with Christ." If we have been raised with Christ, then we seek the things above with our thoughts and eyes fixed on the resurrected Jesus. Now look at how looking to the things above impacts our walk here. If we have been raised with Christ, there are certain things we put off. [3:5-11] Or as verse 5 says, we consider ourselves dead to these things. the picture is that we are constantly crucifying these fleshly things in order to conform to Christ. So, if you have been raised with Christ, make these things dead in your life:
- Immorality--the word here is "porneia" from which we get pornography. It says do not participate in illicit sexual relations. And we know from the Sermon on the Mount that thinking about such things is the same as doing those things. Why is this important? We are the bride of Christ--we are to be faithful.
- Impurity---this also refers to sexual impurity. But as I think about it I need to put off any impurity in action or thought. David prayed for the Lord to show him any unclean thing and then wash it with hyssop, the plant used to place the blood over the doors when the death angel was coming.
- Passion--fleshly lusts and passions that cause us to act inconsistent with the walk with Christ. I can be passionate about my favorite team--but cannot allow the passion to cause me to say and do things that are not worthy of Christ.
- Evil desire--Notice how these sins are related and progressive. I think impure thoughts; my passion rises; I form evil desires [covet things, jealousy, envy]
- Greed---that is idolatry. Then my evil desire becomes greed. Think about the rich man in the Bible who filled all his barns and then said, I'll build more---greed. But the getting became his god and was idolatry.
- Anger---And when my greed is not satisfied, I become angry, bitter. When my passions and lusts are unsatisfied, I become angry--maybe because I do not have and maybe because someone else has what I want.
- Wrath---My anger deepens and becomes wrath--looking for a way to hurt the other person.
- Malice--So I begin to plan something, some way to get what I want at their expense.
- Slander---Perhaps in order to get what I want [promotion, position], I need to put the competition down---talk ugly about them, slander them.
- Abusive speech--So my speech become the tools to abuse.
- Lying--Maybe even start lying to get what I want.
Paul says, Larry, if you have been raised with Christ, you need to crucify these fleshly desires and actions. Instead, seek the things above, set your mind on the things above. Look at 3:10---the goal is to match myself to the image of Christ--that takes renewing. That takes transformation.
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