Thought for March 4, 2024

  •  1628: Massachusetts Bay Colony chartered
  • 1681: William Penn receives charter for Pennsylvania
  • 1789: Congress meets and declares Constitution effective
  • 1861: Lincoln inaugurated
  • 1989: Louvre Pyramid opens
  • 2012: Putin wins election amid claims of voter fraud
  • Born: Vivaldi, Karl Bayer [Bayer aspirin], Charles Goren [Bridge], Charles Walgreen, Paula Prentiss, Rick Perry, Ray Boom Boom Mancini, Draymond Green
  • Died: Alexander Campbell [movement that became Disciples of Christ and Church of Christ], Christian Nelson [invented Eskimo Pie], John Candy, Minnie Pearl, Pat Conroy, Luke Perry
Reading Colossians 3:1-4 this morning. Commentators say that the first part of this chapter should be read [or sung] like an antiphonal chant. "If you have been raised with Christ" should be the lead in to the instructions and admonitions in verses 1-17. Today I am trying to grasp what Paul means by "the things above." He tells us to seek the "things above" and to set our minds on "the things above." What is it that I should be seeking and thinking about every day? Well, Paul tells us that these things are above. What can I learn from that. The things I should be seeking and thinking about are above---they cause me to look up---they draw my thoughts to where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. It tells me that my thoughts and seeking are not for things on this earth, things of the flesh. Sounds like Jesus telling us to seek first the kingdom of God. My seeking and thinking should be focused on the kingship of Christ. In His kingdom, what do people think about? In His kingdom what do people seek? Maybe those things Paul mentions in another letter--whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, reputable, excellent. Maybe Paul is simply telling me to keep myself seeking Jesus and thinking about Jesus because these things are characteristics of Jesus. It also means that I do not seek or think about things that are below, earthly, fleshly. As Stephen was being stoned, he looked up and saw the things he was seeking---the glory of God and Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father. 

I also understand that when Paul says to seek and set our minds on things above, he tells me to make the primary thing the primary thing. Major on the majors. Keep your mind on the top of the list. So if I seek the most important things for my eternal peace and don't let the things below distract or hinder me, I will be filled with the joy of the Lord, the peace of the Lord, the strength of the Lord. Looking up, I see that Jesus is victorious, He won, He finished, so His promises are true and certain. When I look up, I see Him glorified--the person I should be glorifying. When I look up, I see that He is with God the Father I am reminded that He has all wisdom, all knowledge, all grace, all mercy----and I need to remember that each day. 

I think I have written before that the word "downcast" comes from the cast sheep. A cast sheep is a sheep that has fallen down and can't get up [like the lady in the commercial]. The shepherds crook was meant to help the sheep get off its back and help it stand. So when I am downcast, discouraged, depleted, I look up to the Great Good Shepherd and He lifts me, puts me back on my feet and on the Way. 

Today, if you have been raised up with Christ, seek and think about the things above. Think about Christ our Savior sitting at the right hand waiting to come again at just the right time. 



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