Thought for March 28, 2024

  •  1910: First seaplane takes off from water under its own power
  • 1930: Constantinople changes its name to Istanbul
  • 1979: Partial meltdown at Three Mile Island
  • 2017: World's largest dinosaur footprint discovered in Australia
  • Born: Rick Barry, Reba McEntire, Julia Stiles, Lady Gaga
  • Died: Ivan the Terrible, Virginia Woolf, Jim Thorpe, Dwight Eisenhower
A couple of weeks ago was Super Tuesday. Not too sure what was super about it, but on that day, people in many states made a choice. For reasons I won't get into today, I think Jesus was crucified on Thursday of Passion Week. So for me, today is the day Pilate gave the people the choice--Jesus or Barabbas. Read Luke 23:13-25 with me today. The Bible is a book of choices from beginning to end. 

In the garden, Adam and Eve had a choice--believe God or believe Satan. Either God was right [if you eat of the tree you will surely die] or Satan was right [you will not die]. A choice. Joshua asked the people to decide today who you will serve. [Joshua 24:15] Moses presented to the people a list of blessings if they obeyed and followed God or curses if they did not. [Deuteronomy 27-28] Then he said, "I have set before you today life and prosperity and death and adversity . . . I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants." [Deuteronomy 30:15, 19] The Israelites in Egypt had a choice--put the blood on the door or not--choose life or death. The rich, young ruler was given a choice--sell everything, give to the poor and follow Me. But he could not for he was wealthy. [Matthew 19:16-22]

Now after the "trial" before the Sanhedrin, the appearance before Pilate, the attempt to shift responsibility to Herod, and now the return to Pilate, Pilate reaches a conclusion--"I have found this man not guilty of the charges you brought." [23:14]  And then the crowd is offered a choice--Jesus or Barabbas. Think about these two men and the choice between them---murderer/death or Savior/Life Giver; insurrection or resurrection. 

I have chosen Jesus. But He chose me first.  Today, I make more choices-will I follow, will I obey, will I submit, will I yield to His will. Choices always have consequences. What choices will I make today?



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