Thought for March 25, 2024

  •  1807: Parliament abolishes slave trade in the British Empire
  • 1934: First Masters Tournament [Augusta National Invitation Tournament]
  • 1954: RCA manufactures the 1st color television 
  • 1960: First guided missle launched from a nuclear powered submarine
  • Born: Bela Bartok, Jack Ruby, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Sarah Jessica Parker
  • Died: Claude Debussy, Warren Burger, Buck Owen, “England" Dan Seals ["I'd Really Like to See You Tonight"], Bill Brock [TN Senator], Larry McMurtry, 
As we enter Passion Week, I am continuing to look at that last week leading to the resurrection that we will celebrate Sunday. 

Luke 22:24-38 contains an amazing story. Think about the context. Passover is at hand, the celebration of God's mercy and grace in preserving those who were covered by the blood in Egypt, remembering God's power and provision is leading Israel from slavery to the Promised Land, God's judgement in the destruction of the Egyptian army, and God making a way through the Sea. Sitting with the disciples is God incarnate--the Living God. And what do the disciples argue about---which one of them is the greatest. They are celebrating the greatest event in Jewish history to that time. They are in the presence of the ONE who will make the greatest sacrifice ever made and yet, they argue about which of them is the greatest. 

According to John's Gospel, Jesus had just washed the feet of the disciples [John 13:3-20] Jesus gives them the answer to their argument. If you want to be a great leader---serve. If you want to be a great leader, serve like you are the youngest person in the room. If you want to be great in MY kingdom, you serve. When I read this story, I always think about who we call great and who is really great. Caitlin Clark just became the player with the greatest point total in college basketball and people are calling her the greatest. I love to watch her play. But if she never shot another basketball, what impact would that have on history, on the good of mankind? Now if those that collect our garbage stop doing their jobs today, what impact would that have on mankind?  Have you noticed? We never argue about who is the greatest waitress, the greatest street sweeper, the greatest dish washer. We argue about the greatest quarterback, singer, actor. 

Jesus' last lesson on being great was washing feet. Want to be great in His kingdom---serve.



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