Thought for March 22, 2024
- 1765: Stamp Act--1st direct British tax on the colonies
- 1861: First nursing school in the US chartered
- 1872: Illinois is first state to require sexual equality in hiring
- 1903: Niagara Falls runs out of water due to a drought
- 1941: Grand Coulee Dam begins operation
- 1941: Jimmy Stewart inducted into the Army--flies many combat missions
- 1957: Elvis releases "All Shook Up"
- 1960: First patent for a laser issued
- 2020: India initiates curfew to combat Covid
- Born: Chico Marx, Louis D'Lamour, Karl Malden, Werner Klemperer ["Hogan's Heroes"], Marcel Marceau, Pat Robertson, Stephen Sondheim, William Shatner, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Wolf Blitzer, Bob Costas, Reese Witherspoon, JJ Watt
- Died: Jonathan Edwards, Goethe, Uncle Dave Macon, William Hanna [Hanna-Barbera], Wayne Huizenga [Blockbuster, Waste Management, Miami Dolphins]
I like a quote from Jonathan Edwards--"Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected."
Yesterday, we looked at the widow. She trusted her future to God by giving Him all she had. Interesting that the very next verses deal with questions about the future. [21:5-36] The disciples are discussing the Temple---it is magnificent, permanent, marvelous. The stones were huge. It took 80 years to build. It was seen as God's house. The disciples were impressed. Then Jesus says--don't be too awestruck by this building---it is not permanent---not one stone will be left on another. Think about the disciples and how they must have reacted. They ask when and what will be the signs. The thing that comes to my mind is the World Trade Center. I went there several times, ate at Windows of the World, acted like a kid seeing how small everything looked from the top. The first time I was there was about 1978. We were having a faculty dinner the night before a seminar was to begin. I was on the faculty but had never met any of the other lawyers. As is my nature, I got there early and it was just me and the waiters. I still see myself standing looking out the widow talking to the waiter--gee, everything looks so small; gee, there is an airplane flying lower than we are; gee, I can see Newark airport. Little did I know that behind me the other faculty had come in and were all amused by this southern boy amazed at the tall building. That's how I think the disciples were before Jesus spoke. It would be like someone telling me in 1978, there will be a day whne this will be a pile of rubble in the street.
In the balance of chapter 21, Jesus talks about the future. First the short term future for Jerusalem for in about 40 years Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed. Then about His return. What does the Lord say to me from these verses:
- God has a plan. He reveals the outcome of the plan but not the timing of the plan. No one knows the day or hour of His coming.
- Before the end, Christians will face persecution, terrors, plagues, famines, natural catastrophes, prison, delivery by friends and family.
- By endurance we will gain our lives. [21:19]
- Jesus will come again in power and glory [21:27]
- When we see Him, stand up and cheer [21:28] He has come to take us home.
- The world will pass away but His word stands forever. [21:33]
Now look down at our directions for the meantime.
- Be on guard [21:34]. Guard your mind from false teaching and your heart from the desires of the flesh.
- All the bad things that may happen could drag you down, cause you to resort to drugs and drink. Don't let these things weigh you down. Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. [21:34]
- Stay alert and be continually in a state of prayer--open communication between you and Jesus. Look to Him for strength for today and hope for tomorrow. [21:36]
The Lord thought it was important to tell His disciples what would happen so they would be prepared and not surprised. He wrote this for us as well. We know the end of the story and we know what we should be doing to be ready. Lord, help us trust You alone for wisdom and strength as You work out You plan.
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