Thought for March 16, 2024

  •  597 BC: Babylonians conquer Jerusalem
  • 1802: Congress creates West Point [Opens July 4]
  • 1830: Slowest trading day on the NYSE--31 shares traded
  • 1850: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes "The Scarlet Letter"
  • 1869: Hiram Revels makes the first official speech by an African American in the Senate
  • 1912: Mrs. Willam Howard Taft plants the first cherry tree in DC
  • 1915: Federal Trade Commission established
  • 1926: Robert Goddard launches the first liquid fuel rocket--goes 184 feet
  • 1930: Harry Ironside preaches his first sermon as pastor of Moody Church
  • 1934: Academy Award statue first called "Oscar"
  • 1968: My Lai massacre [400 Vietnamese civilians killed]
  • 1988: Oliver North indicted in the Iran Contra affair
  • 1994: Tonya Harding pleads guilty in attack on Nancy Kerrigan
  • 2020: France locks down due to Covid
  • Born: James Madison, Anna Atkins [first to publish a book illustrated with photographs], Dr. Joseph Mengele [Nazi war criminal], Pat Nixon, Jerry Lewis, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Erik Estrada, Ozzie Newsom, Joel Embiid
  • Died: John Albert Broadus [trained many pastors as President of Southern Seminary], Judge Roy Bean, Thomas Dewey [lost to Harry Truman], Arthur Godfrey

Today marks the fourth anniversary of Thought for Today. My first thought was published via email on March 16, 2020, to establish continuing communication with my Sunday School class during Covid. Covid and the closings, shortages and illnesses associated with it created fear, doubt, isolation. I wanted to write something to assure me and you of God's sovereign plan and unshakeable promises. I never intended to be writing Thoughts 4 years later. That first thought included some words from a prayer in "Valley of Vision," the words to "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" [Our Helper amid the mortal ills including Covid---the body they may kill, His truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever]. And I said this about the Covid scare:

So don't worry about the virus [but exercise good judgment]; don't fret over the stock market; don't panic over toilet paper. God knows what is happening. God is sovereign over the future. God's love never fails. Maybe these challenging days are God's way of reminding everyone that human life is fragile and temporary so everyone should seek that new life that is permanent and eternal. If that is the case, we have the greatest opportunity ever to introduce people to the Savior. Maybe that is what Romans 8:28 is all about. God can use even the virus for good if our faith is strengthened, our witness bolder, and many find the perfect healing that only comes from the Great Physician.

Covid is still around, but we have plenty of toilet paper. And the world still needs the healing of the Great Physician. 

I began writing a daily thought on March 24, 2020 and added a history section in May of that year. I have written about 1,200 thoughts at this point. And, I'm not sure how long the Lord will tell me to keep writing or allow me to do so. When He speaks, I'll try and listen. 



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