Thought for March 1, 2024

  •  1516: First published New Testament in Greek--Erasmus
  • 1781: Continental Congress adopts Articles of Confederation
  • 1867: Howard University chartered
  • 1872: Yellowstone becomes the first National Park
  • 1896: Henri Bacquerel discovers radioactivity
  • 1932: Lindbergh baby kidnapped--found dead on May 12
  • 1937: US Steel raises wages to $5 per day
  • 1941: First commercial FM radio station goes on the air--Nashville
  • 1947: International Monetary Fund begins operation
  • \1961: JFK establishes the Peace Corps
  • 1974: Watergate jury convicts 7 presidential aides
  • 1996: 888 area code introduced
  • 2004: Terry Nichols convicted as accomplice to Timothy McVeigh in bombing Oklahoma Federal Building
  • 2020: First known Covid case identified in New York
  • Born: Botticelli, Chopin, Alaska Davidson [first female FBI agent], Glenn Miller, David Niven, Harry Caray, Dinah Shore, Yitzhak Rabin, Pete Rozelle, Harry Belafonte, Robert Bork, Alan Thicke, Ron Howard, Javier Bardem, Justin Bieber, Tyreek Hill
  • Died: Jackie Coogan, Joe Besser [Three Stooges], Edwin Land [Polaroid], Bonnie Franklin, Jack Welch [GE]
Do you feel rich this morning? Did you get up thinking, Wow! I am rich. In Colossians 1:25-2:3, Paul talks about being rich. And he is on mission to make sure that all who are in Christ understand how rich they are. 

Look at 1:27. God willed to make known this great mystery--you are rich because Christ in you is your hope of glory. Now read 2:2-3. Paul wants those at Colossae and Laodicea [yes, the same as in Revelation 3] to be encouraged by grasping all the wealth that comes from knowing Jesus and the treasures of wisdom and knowledge found in Him. 

So I am thinking about the riches of knowing Jesus. 
  • Paul tells me about the riches of His kindness and patience that leads to repentance. [Romans 2:4] So one of the great riches that bless me in Christ is His patience. 
  • Paul also tells me that the Lord abounds in riches for all who call on Him. [Romans 10:12] Think about that. When we pray, we are really asking God to pour out His riches upon us---healing, mercy, grace, patience, wisdom, understanding, strength, power. God's riches in Christ are what provide, protect, sustain. 
  • Ephesians 1:7 tells me that I experience the riches of His grace in forgiveness. Forgiveness is God pouring out grace from His abundant reserves. Later in that chapter we are reminded of the riches of our inheritance in Christ [1:18]. Life with Him for eternity.
  • Most of us have gone to Philippians 4:19 for hope and encouragement--God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ. I am rich because in Christ my every need is supplied. I have no needs that Christ does not supply.
Am I rich? Amen and Amen! Every need now and forever secured in Christ. All grace abounding toward me at all times and in every situation. My future held secure by the hand of Christ. My relationship with God reconciled and restored. 

And you know the best part--all of these riches are available to everyone who believes. So if I want to share the riches I proclaim His name. And the fact that you have all the riches of Christ does not diminish the fact that I have all those riches as well. 

Oh, the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How blessed we are!



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