Thought for February 5, 2024

  •  1597: 26 Japanese Christians are executed by the government as a threat to society--known as the 26 martyrs
  • 1631: Roger Williams arrives in Massachusetts
  • 1736: John and Charles Wesley arrive in Savannah
  • 1901: U.S. Steel founded
  • 1918: First U.S. pilot to shoot down an enemy plane--Stephen Thompson
  • 1919: United Artists founded by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and DW Griffith
  • 1921: Yankees purchase land in the Bronx for a stadium
  • 1948: Dick Button is 1st American Olympic figute skating champion and first to complete a double axel in competition
  • 1981: Largest jello--9,246 gallons of watermelon Jello
  • 1997: OJ Simpson found liable in civil trial of the deaths of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson
  • 2020: Senate acquits Donald Trump
  • Born: Dwight L Moody, John Dunlop [pneumatic rubber tire], Belle Starr, Adlai Stevenson, Red Buttons, Claude King ["Wolverton Mountain"], Hank Aaron, Roger Staubach, Nolan Bushnell [founded Atari and created Pong], Darrell Waltrip, Laura Linney, Jose Maria Olazabal, Sara Evans, Neymar
  • Died: Dean Jagger, Kirk Douglas
Last Monday I was reading Joshua chapter 1--God called Joshua to a challenging task--follow Moses, a legend; lead people into the Promised Land; defeat all the pagans and drive them out. And God promised Joshua that He would be with him as He was with Moses, He would not fail or forsake Joshua, and that He would go with Joshua wherever he went. This reminded me of the calling of Jeremiah. 

Jeremiah means the Lord exalts or the Lord establishes. Read the first 8 verses of Jeremiah 1 with me this morning. Jeremiah is the son of Hilkiah, a priest of Anathoth, a little town about 3 miles from Jerusalem, and one of 4 Levitical cities in the tribe of Benjamin. Recall that David removed the high priest, Abiathar, and sent him to Anathoth, so Jeremiah may be a descendant of Abiathar. Jeremiah prophesied during difficult days for Judah. Jeremiah was called during the reign of Josiah which means as a child and youth he lived during the reigns of Manasseh and Amon, two very evil kings. His prophesies continued during the reigns of Jehoahaz [3 months, Jehoakim [evil king on the throne during the first Babylonian exile with Daniel], Jehoachin [3months] and Zedekiah [king during second captivity and the destruction of Jerusalem]. 

Notice tht Jeremiah is called as a prophet to the nations [1:5]. Sounds like Acts 1:8 for us. And like us, Jeremiah had excuses--I am too young and I don't speak so well. This makes me ask myself, what excuses I use when the Lord calls me to service--too young, too old, too tired, too busy, not educated, not informed. All of them simply mean "no." God responds with reasons why all those excuses are invalid:
  • I formed you in your mother's womb [Psalm 139, 1:5]. I created you. I equipped you for this purpose and this day. I know all of your capabilities and I know all of your weaknesses. And I still call you to My service.
  • I consecrated you. [1:5] Think about that. When the Lord calls us, He consecrates us. God made us sacred and ready for His service. 
  • I appointed you. [1:5] When the President appoints an ambassador, the appointment vests the ambassador with authority. When God appoints us to service, He vests us with authority. Recall that in Matthew 28 before the great commission, Jesus says, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." When God appoints, we go in His authority.
  • Don't be afraid because God is with you [1:8]. Sounds like the message to Joshua. Be strong and courageous and do not fear. 
Think about this today when God calls you to serve--God made you for this time and purpose; God set you aside for this particular service; God appointed you to go in His authority; God will go with you wherever you go. That is good news!



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