Thought for February 19, 2024

  •  1878: Edison granted patent for phonograph
  • 1884: Tornado outbreak kills 800 in the South
  • 1913: First prize placed in a Cracker Jack's Box
  • 1942: FDR orders Japanese Americans interned
  • 1963: Betty Friedan publishes "The Feminine Mystique"
  • 1986: MIR space station launched
  • Born: Copernicus, Merel Oberon, Eddie Acaro, Carson McCullers, Lee Marvin, Smokey Robinson, Amy Tan, Jeff Daniels, Roger Goodell, Seal, Betty Wiseman
  • Died: Miles Coverdale, Elizabeth Clephane ["Beneath the Cross of Jesus"]. George Papanikolaou [Invented the PAP smear], Grandpa Jones, Johnny Paycheck, Harper Lee
I have mentioned before that "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" is one of my favorites. 

Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand
The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land
A home within the wilderness
A rest upon the way
from the burning of the noontide heat
and the burden of the day

And from my stricken heart with tears
Two wonders I confess
The wonders of redeeming love
And my unworthiness

Content to let the world go by
To know no gain nor loss
My sinful self my only shame
My glory all the cross


Take a look with me this morning at Jeremiah 37:1-10. Babylon has twice defeated Judah and Jerusalem as prophesied by Isaiah, Daniel and Jeremiah. Daniel and his friends were taken captive in 605 BC. Judah rebelled again in 597 and King Jehoiakim died during the siege, Jehoiachin reigned 3 months and 10 days before being taken captive to Babylon. Then Nebuchadnezzar placed Zedekiah as king. Now look at Jeremiah 37:2. Despite the warnings from prophets, despite seeing the prophesies come true with the defeats in 605 and 597, the king, the people and the servants continued to ignore the word of the Lord spoken through Jeremiah. Does this sound familiar?

Look back for a moment to chapter 36:3. Jeremiah's scroll of prophesy and warning had been read in the Temple. God says that if the people hear the calamity that is coming, surely they will turn from their evil ways. Then He will forgive. Then we read 37:2--but the king and the people would not listen. What a terrible situation and so sad. Now notice that even  though the people and king will not listen, they want Jeremiah to pray. Word that the Egyptian army is mobilizing causes the Babylonians to end their siege; but God tells the people that nevertheless, the Babylonians will return and burn the city. 

What does the Lord say to me this morning:

  • We are in trouble because our leaders and our people and Larry have heard the word of the Lord, but haven't really listened. If we listened, we would do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 commands. 
  • God has told us the world will be destroyed by fire. If I listen and believe this, I must warn others. If I believe this, I must be constantly ready. 
  • God is patient and his desire is described in Jeremiah 36:3--knowing that judgment is coming, please turn from your evil ways. 
  • Look at those who are leading our nation--are they listening? Do they hear? 
  • Look at what is happening around the world--are the people listening? Do they hear?
  • Look at my life--Am I listening? Do I hear?
God is so gracious to warn us and patiently wait for us to repent and return--Lord help us be instruments of Your peace.



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