Thought for February 16, 2024

  •  309: Pamphillius of Caesarea is beheaded for being a Christian. He trained Eusebius, the first notable church historian.
  • 374: Halley's comet makes its 9th recorded passage
  • 600: Pope Gregory decrees that "God Bless You" is the correct response to a sneeze
  • 1857: Gallaudet College for the deaf forms in Washington DC
  • 1883: "Ladies Home Journal" begins publication 
  • 1911: The hymn "Rise Up O Men of God" is published by William Merrill
  • 1923: Howard Carter opens King Tut's tomb
  • 1945: US troops land on Corregidor
  • 1959: Castro becomes Prime Minister of Cuba
  • 1968: Elvis receives "Gold Record" for "How Great Thou Art"
  • 1984: Scott Hamilton wins Olympic Gold
  • 1985: Hezbollah founded
  • Born: Charles Russell [founded Jehovah's Witnesses], Edgar Bergen, Hugh Beaumont ["Leave It to Beaver"], Anna Mae Hays [First female General], Vera Ellen ["White Christmas"], Sonny Bono, Carl Ichan, LeVar Burton, Ice-T, John McEnroe, Jerome Bettis
  • Died: William Masters [Masters & Johnson]
Another great verse in Jeremiah's writings is found in chapter 33:3. Many of us know this verse or have heard it preached. I am just thinking about this verse today. As with most of the Lord's commands, this is very simple. I have one task, "Call on Me." Think about what that means:
  • The God of the universe invites me to a conversation. All of us have had brief meetings with highly placed people in business, politics, our profession and often the conversation ends, "if you need anything, call me." Most of the time we leave knowing that if we call, the person will not answer or will not even remember who we are. Here, God Almighty says, "call me." That alone should make us want to talk to Him and hear from Him. 
  • Notice that God does not say, "I will call you." Now, He might and He does, but this verse tells me God expects me to take the initiative. 
  • God will answer. WOW! I have a promise from the One who cannot lie that if I call, He will answer. No voice mail; no busy signal; no wrong number. 
  • Then think about this--God knows everything about everything. God knows everything about you and me. I don't know much, not even everything about myself. Here, God invites me to call so that He [who knows everything] can tell me some things that I do not know. God is willing to share with me things that He knows that I don't know. Amazing and somewhat frightening. He knows my heart and my mind---maybe He will tell me something that I have not admitted or figured out about myself. He knows my past---maybe He will tell me to stop fretting about the past or maybe use the past to teach me something I have missed. He knows the future, perhaps He will tell me something I need to know to be prepared for the future. In any event, listening to Him is not a waste of time---He has something to tell me that can comfort, heal, correct, transform me. 
  • The things He is ready to tell me are great and mighty. This is not idle chatter, not passing the time. When God speaks and tells me great and mighty things He is sharing His heart, His purpose, His plan. 
If you have not yet called on the Lord today, read this verse again and then call--He is waiting to tell you great and mighty things. It might be as simple as be still and know that I am God. It might be don't be afraid. It might be a call to service. It might simply be--I love you with an everlasting love. Don't forget to call.



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