Thought for January 29, 2024
- 1845: "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe published
- 1892: Coca Cola Company incorporated
- 1896: First use of radiation as a cancer treatment
- 1936: First baseball HOF class--Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Mattewson, Walter Johnson
- 1959: "Sleeping Beauty" released
- Born: Thomas Paine, William McKinley, Anton Chekhov, John D. Rockefeller Jr., Barney Oldfield [1st to drive 60 mph on an oval track], WC Fields, Victor Mature, John Forsythe, Katherine Ross, Tom Selleck, Oprah Winfrey, Greg Louganis, Janice Cimino
- Died: George III, HL Mencken, Robert Frost, Freddie Prinze, Jimmy Durante, Rod McKuen
Sorry about Saturday. Got it ready then Jan was ready to go to breeakfast and I forgot to push publish.
The last few days, I have been thinking about miracles of Jesus. In several of those stories, Jesus has seen the faith of the person asking for a miracle. This took my thoughts back to some miracles in the Book of Joshua and made me want to look at this book again. Today, I am reading Joshua 1:1-9. Moses has died and now God calls Joshua to lead the people across the Jordan and into the Land of Promise. Think for a moment about Joshua's situation.
Joshua was born in Egypt in captivity. He was of the tribe of Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph by his Egyptian wife. Joshua saw the plight of the Israelites in Egypt; he saw the miracles God performed through Moses, he was a first born son so the night of the Passover had a special meaning to him; he had seen the Egyptian army destroyed in the Red Sea; he saw God descend on Sinai to meet Moses; he saw the rebellion of the golden calf; he experienced the 40 years in the wilderness; he saw the provision of God with manna and quail and water from the rock; he had visited the Promised Land as a spy and been voted down by his fellow spies. I mention these things because I am always amazed by how God prepares his servants to serve. God never told Joshua that he was being prepared to lead the people. But God was using every experience to prepare him. Now think about your life. How has God used your experiences to prepare you for today? Joshua was of royal blood through Joseph, but experienced slavery. He had seen Moses lead, but also fail. He had seen the people rebel against Moses their leader. This morning, I am asking myself and the Lord, what have You prepared me for for January 29, 2024.
A few weeks ago, Nick Saban and Bill Belichick left the Tide and Patriots after amazing careers. Who would want to follow them? Moses is dead--who wants to try and fill his shoes [sandals]? I am sure Joshua had doubts about his ability to lead and about the people's willingness to follow a new leader. But look at what God tells Joshua--Be strong and courageous and do not be troubled or dismayed. God has called Joshua to a difficult task--lead these unruly people into the land, conquer and drive out all the inhabitants from the Jordan to the Sea and from the Euphrates to the Nile. Ever been there? God calls you to serve, but the job seems way beyond your ability or experience. Now look at why God tells Joshua not to worry and be strong and courageous--
- I will be with you like I was with Moses. [1:5] Moses confronted Pharaoh, Moses called down the plagues, Moses parted the sea, Moses met personally with God, Moses was given the law. And God promises to be with Joshua in the same way.
- I will not fail you or forsake you. [1:5]
- The Lord your God is with you wherever you go [1:9]
So we are like Joshua this morning, for God makes the same promises to us. In Christ and through the Holy Spirit, God is with us wherever we go, He will never fail us, He will never forsake us. So we enter today strong in Him and encouraged by Him.
But wait, God has made promises to Joshua, but He tells Joshua what he must do. Be careful to obey [1:7], meditate on the word and do what it says [1:8] I know God will do His part--I need to do mine.
What is our assignment for today? God will keep His promises, I need to do my part.
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