Thought for January 27, 2024
Sorry! Forgot to hit the button this morning.
- 1785: First US land-grant university chartered in Athens Georgia
- 1820: Antartica discovered
- 1825: Congress approves the Indian Territory, starts the Trail of Tears
- 1880: Edison patents the electric incandescent lamp
- 1888: National Geographic Society founded
- 1944: Siege of Leningrad ends after 880 days and 2 million deaths
- 1948: First tape recorded sold
- 1956: Elvis releases "Heartbreak Hotel"
- 1967: Apollo 1 Fire kills Grissom, White and Chafee
- 1976: "Laverne & Shirley" premiers
- Born: Mozart, Lewis Carroll ["Alice in Wonderland"], Edward Smith [captain of the titanic], Jerome Kern [composer], William Randolph Hearst, Donna Reed, Troy Donahue, Mikhail Baryshnikov, John Roberts, Chris Collinsworth, Keith Olbermann
- Died: John James Audubon, Giuseppe Verdi, Thomas Crapper [inventor and plumber], Nellie Bly, Mahalia Jackson, Andre the Giant, Jack Parr, John Updike, JD Salinger, Pete Seeger
Today I am reading a very familiar story--Jesus and Peter walking on water. Matthew 14:22-33. The 5000 have just been fed. The crowds are sent away. The disciples get into a boat and headed across the sea. Jesus went to pray alone. In the boat, things were not great--the waves were battering, the wind was contrary and its the middle of the night [3-6 a.m.]. Then here comes Jesus walking on the waves and the reaction of the disciples is fear. But then that voice speaks--"Take courage, do not fear, it's Me." And Peter acts just like Peter--"Lord if it is You command me to come to You on the water." Jesus says "Come." Peter walks toward Jesus until he sees the wind and begins to sink. Jesus saves Peter, then says--where was your faith, why did you doubt. What a story. Here is what the Lord is saying to me today--
- Rough seas follow great mountain tops. I want mountain top experiences--no valleys, no storms, no wind, no waves. The disciples had seen 5000 miraculously fed. They had picked up baskets of food left over from 5 loaves and two fish. But now the wind was against them and the sea was high. Sundays are such great days--singing praise, hearing the word, gathering with brothers and sisters. Sharing our praises, praying for each other. Then Monday comes.
- Jesus is praying for us when the seas are rough and the winds are contrary. Certainly Jesus and His Father had a lot to talk about after the feeding of the 5000--the timing of His ministry, the weakness of the disciples, the willingness of the little boy to share. But I have to think that Jesus was praying about His disciples out there in the boat in the dark on the sea. This is an encouragement to me--Jesus is praying for us when its dark and the circumstances are challenging. Thank You Lord.
- Jesus comes to us in our trouble. Now Jesus could have simply appeared across the lake. He did not need to walk on the water. There were no crowds to see His miracle, no lessons to teach to the multitudes. And it had been a long day and most of the night. His body was likely tired. Why walk? The disciples were in the boat, the night was dark, the waves were high---Jesus wanted them to know He knew and cared.
- Jesus does not want us to live in fear. This morning read the lyrics to "In Christ Alone." Jesus is "the solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm." "No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me." And Jesus gives the disciples the reason they don't need to fear--"it is I." [14:27]. Because it is Christ who speaks, Christ who comes, Christ who care,s Christ who loves--we do not need to fear.
- Our hope and strength is in His commands. Notice, Peter knew he could not walk on water, but he believed that if Jesus commanded him to walk on water, Jesus would empower him to do it. What truth! When Jesus commands, He gives the power if we exercise the faith. My problem is I do not act when He commands or I act without listening to His command. Peter knew if Jesus called, He could respond. We often criticize Peter for sinking--but he was the only disciple tog et out of the boat.
- We fail when we take our eyes off Jesus. Peter thought about the situation. He felt the waves, he "saw" the wind. His rational mind and reasoning overwhelmed his faith. Ever happen to you. Jesus calls, maybe I start to respond, then I think about all the reasons why this will not work, why I am inadequate, why I will fail. Satan whispers in our ears--you can't. But Jesus said come!
- Doubt is Satan's weapon asserted through lies. Interesting that Hebrews says faith is the substance of things unseen--Peter saw the wind which cannot be seen and failed to exercise faith.
Lord, help me trust Your commands without doubting. You will always provide.
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