Thought for January 24, 2024
- 1848: James Sutter finds gold at Sutter's Mill California
- 1908: Robert Baden-Powell publishes "Scouting for Boys" Inspires the Scout Movement
- 1935: First canned beer is sold
- 1972: Sgt. Shoichi Yokoi is found hiding in the Guam jungle where he had been since WWII
- 1984: Apple introduces the Macintosh personal computer
- 2018: Larry Nassar found guilty of molesting over 150 girls, sentenced to 175 years in prison.
- Born: Hadrian, Frederick the Great, Ernest Borgnine, Sharon Tate, Neil Diamond
- Died: Caligula, Winston Churchill, Ted Bundy, Thurgood Marshall
Reading a short story in Matthew 12 today. This chapter involves questions about the Sabbath. In verse 8, Jesus declares "the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." This of course raises issues with the Pharisees and religious authorities. So they try and trap Jesus.
Read 12:9-14 about the man with the withered hand. The man is in the synagogue and becomes a teaching point for Jesus. The religious leaders ask, "is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath." Their rules would describe healing as "work" which was prohibited on the Sabbath. Jesus uses an example and then declares it lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Then, to make His point, He restores the withered hand. Notice that the man does not ask for healing, but he is healed. Now what do I see in these verses:
- Sometimes Jesus uses my weakness, illness, trouble to demonstrate His compassion, power, and strength. I may ask "why me" or "why this person." But Jesus often uses my "problem" to teach a lesson to me or to others for His glory. When a Christian endures with joy and hope, Jesus receives glory. When Christians have peace amidst the storm of life, Jesus receives glory. Maybe Jesus wants to use my weakness to demonstrate His love, grace, mercy and power.
- Jesus restores that which is withered. The man had a withered hand and Jesus restored it to "normal." Makes me ask, what is withered in my life? Could be something physical--my sight might be failing, my walking may be difficult, my hearing may be impaired. But today I am thinking about a withered faith, a withered hope, a withered joy, a withered peace. Have these shriveled up like a prune? My faith was once vigorous, healthy, useful, productive--but now it is weak and withered. My joy used to be full, now I am running on empty. My peace once was perfect, but now it wavers with circumstances.
Today, Lord, come and restore that which is withered in my life. Pour out Your Spirit anew and afresh.
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