Thought for January 11, 2024
- 1838: First public demonstration of telegraph messages [dots and dashes]
- 1869: Rev. Kelly Lowe organizes the first African American Sunday School--Augusta Georgia
- 1913: First sedan type car displayed---Hudson
- 1922: Insulin first used to treat diabetes in humans
- 1927: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences created
- 1940: Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet" premiers
- 1961: Race riot at the University of Georgia--I arrived 3 years later
- 1973: American League adopts designated hitter
- 1976: Dorothy Hamill wins third consecutive U.S. Figure Skating Championship
- Born: Alexander Hamilton [in Nevis], Alexander Calder, Carroll Shelby, Rod Taylor, Naomi Judd, John Piper, Ben Crenshaw, Tracy Caulkins, Thomas Vaughn [the best grandson ever]
- Died: Timothy Dwight [President of Yale who wrote "I Love Thy Kingdom Lord], Francis Scott Key, Gail Borden [Condensed milk], Thomas Hardy, John Bradley [raised flag on Mount Suribachi], Edmund Hilary [1st to summit Everest]
Timothy Dwight was the grandson of Jonathan Edwards and became president of Yale when no students were Christians. He debated the students on the topic "Are the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament the Word of God." Within 7 years one third of the students were Christians.
Yesterday we looked at the fishing story from the early ministry of Jesus--Peter let Jesus into his boat, listened to Jesus voice, obeyed Jesus' command and received an overflowing blessing. Today, we are with Peter on the Sea of Galilee again, but this time after the resurrection. Read with me John 21:1-14 a story of one of the times Jesus appeared between the resurrection and ascension. Look at the crew accompanying Peter as he goes fishing:
- James and John the sons of Zebedee. They were also present for the first fishing story yesterday.
- Thomas the doubter. He had been invited to put his hand in Jesus side and touch His nail-scarred hands. Maybe Jesus knew Thomas needed further assurance.
- Nathanael of Cana--the one who said "can anything good come out of Nazareth"
- Two other unnamed disciples
Now they fished all night and caught---nothing. Ever had one of those days, weeks, months, years? Went to the right place at the right time with the right people and with the right equipment---but got nothing. How did you feel--discouraged, disappointed, losing confidence, ready to quit, perhaps blame someone or something. This may happen again in 2024. Look at verse 5. Jesus is sitting on the shore, by the fire with fish. Notice, He doesn't say "caught anything?" He says, you don't have any fish, do you. How would hearing this strike you? Here is a guy sitting on the beach making fun of us. But all they say is "No." Then Jesus tells the tired fisherman to cast there nets again in the right place--and the net is filled with 153 fish.
What do we learn from this:
- Jesus comes to us when we need forgiveness, reassurance, help. He comes when we get discouraged and decide to go back to the old ways. Peter was a fisherman before being called as a fisher of men. Jesus died, so now Peter is back fishing for fish. Jesus comes to encourage us.
- Jesus comes when our efforts fail. In our strength we have been unsuccessful---He comes to give us strength and hope.
- Jesus knows where the fish are. We just need to listen to His voice and follow His command. He knows where the lost fish are around my life and yours. He places us in their paths, provides opportunities to share and minister. We need to put down our nets.
- When we obey, Jesus provides. Think about the celebration---Peter almost walks on water again to get to the beach.
- This year when things are going badly, remember--Jesus is watching, Jesus is speaking, Jesus is waiting--we just need to hear His voice and respond.
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