Thought for December 7, 2023
- 1787: Delaware is first State to ratify the Constitution
- 1934: Wiley Post discovers the jet stream
- 1941: Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
- 1963: First use of the instant replay machine--Army Navy football game
- 1967: Otis Redding records "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay"
- 1985: Bo Jackson wins Heisman
- Born: Madame Tussaud, Eli Wallach, Ted Knight, Ellen Burstyn, Harry Chapin, Johnny Bench, Larry Bird, Terrell Owens, Luke Donald
- Died: Cicero, William Bligh, Thornton Wilder, Beatrix Loughran [3 Olympic Gold Medals in Figurte Skating], Leroy Yarbrough, Harry Morgan [Dragnet and MASH], Four Medal of Honor recipients at Pearl Harbor [Mervyn Bennion, Herbert Jones, Thomas Reeves, Franklin Valkenburgh]
Reading Revelation11:15-19 today. I have to turn on the "Hallelujah Chorus" as I read, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever." What a day that will be! King Jesus reigns in heaven and on earth. All the times we have prayed the Model Prayer come to reality--Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
The first thing I notice is that there is no doubt about who is king. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. And there is no doubt about where Jesus is King--He is King of heaven and King of earth--King over all that He created. And there is no doubt about the term of His kingship---He doesn't run for re-election every few years. He serves as King for His lifetime--and He lives forever!
Then I notice that there are two very different responses to Jesus' reign.
- The twenty four elders break into a song of praise and thanksgiving. Previously in Revelation, Jesus has been called the One who was, and is, and is to come. Now He is announced as the One who was and is--the Lord has come to claim His kingdom. And the elders are thankful that Jesus has begun to reign on earth. All of us have probably had this experience. We are on a team--there is a team member who should clearly be the leader---but the coach doesn't seem to see it, some of the players don't seem to understand. Finally, that person steps into leadership and we are so thankful that finally, the real leader is in charge. Same in business, church, government. When the real leader takes over, we are thankful.
- The nations are enraged. Why? They still think they are king. They still refuse to recognize that Jesus is King. They reject His authority. Go back this morning and read Psalm 2--"Why are the nations in an uproar, and the people devising a vain thing?" Notice the Lord's response--He scoffs at them.
The verses in Revelation speak of an event we have not yet seen, but we see the same thing every day. Jesus is King and He will reign. We are invited to come into His kingdom now--accept Jesus as your king because He is the King. People respond in different ways to His invitation--some are thankful and yield to King Jesus. Some refuse to give up the throne of their lives. they live lives in an uproar. And you know, I find myself needing to make this decision every day---who is King? Larry or Jesus? The world or th One who created it?
Today, may His kingdom come in my life as it is in heaven.
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