Thought for December 30, 2023
- 1903: Iroquois Theater fire in Chicago kills 602
- 1922: Formation of the USSR
- 1924: Edwin Hubble announces the existence of other galaxies--David recognized this 3000 years earlier
- 1944: Corrie Ten Boom released from concentration camp. "You can never learn that Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have."
- 1968: Frank Sinatra first records "My Way"
- Born: Titus, Rudyard Kipling, Bert Parks, Jack Lord, Bo Diddley, Skeeter Davis, Sandy Koufax, John Hartford, Meredith Viera, Matt Lauer, Tiger Woods, LeBron James,
- Died: Sonny Liston, Richard Rodgers, Saddam Hussein
The last thought for 2023. Still considering Philippians 3.--The Goal of Life for 2024.
Today looking at 3:10-14. Paul tells us that to be found in Christ is by faith alone. And being found in Him means knowing Him, not knowing about Him. So Paul reminds us in 3:10 that knowing Him involves three things:
- Knowing Jesus means I experience the power of His resurrection. In 2024, I want to know that power that raised Jesus from the dead. I want that power to become more than a conqueror in Christ. I want to know that power to overcome every temptation. I want to know that power to defeat Satan. I want to know that power to love the unlovely, sustain joy in tribulations, rest in peace in the middle of chaos. In my weakness He is strong, so I want to know the power that gives me boldness, courage, strength.
- Knowing His power is not all blue skies and easy days. Knowing His power comes in knowing His suffering. It was for the joy set before Him that He endured the cross. It is for the joy set before us that we endure in His power. If I am following Him, I expect trials, I anticipate suffering, I understand that carrying my cross involves suffering--BUT in His power I can walk through the suffering.
- Knowing His power involves being conformed to His death. Dying to self requires His power. Living for Him requires His power. Dying with Him requires His power. And praise God His power raises me from death to life in Him.
The Goal of life for 2024--rejoice in the Lord and let His joy pour through me to others. Don't be deceived by the flesh and place no trust in the flesh. Make Jesus the priority in my time, resources, and gifts. Pray for more faith to trust Him more and more every day--know His promises and claim then in response to Satan's fears and doubts. Seek to really know Jesus--allow Him to exercise His power in and through me, face sufferings with grace and hope, die to self so that He can live fully in me.
Check out 3:14--now I have made my resolution for 2024. I have set my goals for the New Year. Now, I press on. The work is just beginning. The resolutions will not be completed easily or quickly--I must press on.
You know me. A hymn comes to mind based on Philippians 3. This morning sing a little "Higher Ground." It is really a prayer for 2024 written in 1898.
- I'm pressing on the upward way, New heights I'm gaining every day--Lord plant my feet on higher ground.
- My heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay---my prayer my aim is higher ground.
- I want to live above the world though Satan's darts at me are hurled. For faith has caught the joyful sound, the song of saints on higher ground.
- I want to scale the utmost height and catch a gleam of glory bright, but still I'll pray till heaven I've found, Lord lead me on to higher ground.
May we all find higher ground in 2024.
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