Thought for December 27, 2023
- 1845: Ether first used in childbirth, Jefferson Georgia
- Carrie Nation's first smashing of a bar
- 1932: Radio City Music Hall opens
- 1934: Persia renamed Iran
- 1939: 20,000+ die in earthquake in Turkey
- 1945: International Monetary Fund established
- 1947: First "Howdy Doody" show broadcast
- Born: Johannes Kepler, Louis Pasteur, Cyrus Eaton, Marlene Dietrich
- Died: Stephen F Austin, Gustve Eiffel, Norman Schwarzkopf, Carrie Fisher
At the end of the thought yesterday, I quoted from Philippians 3. In my Bible this chapter is titled "The goal of Life." As we get ready for 2024, what better way to prepare than to focus on the goals for next year. Many of us make resolutions, but most don't keep them and most of us cannot even remember the resolution we made last year. In fact some of us have the same resolution every year. Take a look with me at this chapter and think about your goals for 2024--what is the goal of our life for next year? What would we like to say on December 27, 2024 about our goal and how well we achieved it?
The first thing Paul tells us to do in 2024 is rejoice in the Lord [3:1]. Think about that--my first goal for 2024 is to live a life of rejoicing in the Lord. Every day should be filled with rejoicing in the Lord--even when my circumstances do not seem to be joyful. I can always rejoice in the Lord -- He loves me, He is my peace, He is my comfort, He is my strength, He is my sufficiency, He is everything I need for this life and the life in eternity.
- Joy comes from the Lord for He puts joy in our heart [Psalm 4:7]. My joy is not something I generate, it is a gift from Him. His presence is joy, His peace is joy, His comfort is joy, His love is joy.
- His word is the joy of my heart. Psalm 119:111 Claiming His promises gives me joy.
- His birth gives me joy and we sang about that this past week.
- The fruit of the Spirit is joy. Galatians 5:22
- No one can take His joy from us. John 16:22
- Sometimes we have to consider it all joy when we encounter various trials. James 1
Paul next tells us to "put no confidence in the flesh." [3:3] Here he is talking about thinking that your heritage, your nationality, your personal piety, your parents, your service, your morality, your good works can make you acceptable to God. We can rely on nothing but the atoning blood of Jesus and faith in Him for our salvation. But as I read this I think of other things--I cannot trust the flesh for it will deceive me. The flesh will make me think I needs things that I don't need. The flesh will make me seek approval, praise, acceptance at the price of my commitment to Christ. The flesh will lead me to compromise. The flesh will deceive me. Paul reminds us in Ephesians that our battle is not against flesh and blood [6:12], but Satan will use our flesh to mislead us. It started in the garden--the fruit was pleasing to the eye, good for food and will make you like God. Or as John says, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
So my first goals for 2024--live a life of joy in the Lord and do not put any confidence or trust in the flesh. And do you notice, the more I rejoice in the Lord, the less I depend on the flesh.
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