Thought for December 26, 2023

  • 1606: First known performance of "King Lear"
  • 1776: George Washington wins the Battle of Trenton
  • 1799: Henry Lee eulogizes Washington with "first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen."
  • 1805: First coffee percolator patented
  • 1933: FM radio patented
  • 1946: The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas opens
  • 1951: "The African Queen" released--one of my favorites
  • 1963: The Beatles release "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "I Saw Her Standing There"
  • 2004: a tsunami kills 230,000 in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia
  • Born: Charles Babbage, Henry Miller, Mao Zedong, Rosemary Woods [Nixon secretary], Steve Allen, Frank Broyles, Phil Spector, Carlton Fisk
  • Died: Harry Truman, Jack Benny, Diane Fossey, Reggie White, Gerald Ford
Christmas is past and we now look back at 2023 and forward to 2024. This week might be a time of reflection and evaluation for the year that is ending or perhaps a time of anticipating and planning the year that lies ahead. This morning I am thinking back about the year that is ending and asking myself some questions.
  • Have I thanked God for all the blessings of 2023? 
    • My family is intact and as the 8 of us sat around my daughter's house yesterday, I was reminded to thank God for my family. My sister had some health issues, but she is active and doing well. I had a bout with some health issues, but God is faithful and continues to bless. My children are Christian adults living lives of service. My grandchildren are growing into the plan God has for their lives. I am blessed with a Godly son-in-law who leads his family well. Thank You Lord for you blessings and faithfulness to our family. Some of you have suffered losses this year, many have and are suffering with illness or other health issues. Some have had family issues. But all of you, like me, can say Jesus is sufficient for my every need and He has been faithful to me. 
    • My church has been a blessing to me for almost 15 years now. I am blessed every week by the music and message we receive on Sunday. I rejoice every week when I see and greet my faith family. They remind me of God's love, grace, mercy. The class I serve is such a blessing. Watching them serve as deacons, elders, greeters, child care workers and teachers. Feeding our college students with joy and fellowship; feeding and hosting the homeless with compassion. What an example of Christian love and service and how they challenge me and encourage me. 
    • Blessed to live in the United States. God could have placed me anywhere in the world, but He chose to place me right here. Thank You Lord. Then I recall that He put me right here not just to bless me---He put me here to be part of His blessing to the world. Lord help me have eyes to see and ears to hear as You direct me to places of service and opportunities to share your love.
  • Have I thanked God for my salvation? Sometimes I take for granted my salvation. Lord, thank You for loving me enough to come and die in my place. I was lost and dead until You brought life and light to me. 
  • Have I tried to walk in the right relationship with Jesus this year? Have I sought Him in His word and in prayer like the desperate man I am? Has my "yes" been on the table just waiting for Him to give me an assignment? 
  • Have I been a channel of blessing? The Lord has blessed me abundantly, have I held on to that love, joy, peace or have I allowed the Spirit to flow through me to others? 
Maybe you don't need any evaluation of 2023, but I need to think about what kind of soldier I have been in the army of the Lord in 2023. I want 2024 to be my best year ever in loving, serving and walking with the Lord. Having thought about the year that has past, I read Philippians 3:13-14--"forgetting what lies behind [both good and bad] and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Maybe you should do the same.


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