Thought for December 2, 2023
- 1697: St. Paul's Cathedral in London dedicated
- 1804: Napoleon crowned Emperor of France
- 1823: Monroe Doctrine presented
- 1859: John Brown hanged
- 1901: King Gillette begins selling safety razor blades
- 1927: First Model A sold [$385]
- 1942: First self-sustaining nuclear reaction--Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago
- 1969: First public preview of the Boeing 747
- 1970: Environmental Protection agency begins operating
- Born: George Seurat, Charles Ringling, Maria Callas, Alexander Haig, Dan Jenkins [sports author], Ed Meese, Gianni Versace, Ann Patchett, Monica Seles, Brtiney Spears, Aaron Rogers
- Died: Herman Cortes, Marquis de Sade, John Ringling, Desi Arnaz, Aaron Copeland, Charlotte Tucker [missionary to India]
Aaron Copeland wrote one of my favorites--"Fanfare for the Common Man." I have urged you before to Google it and play it to start your day--it makes me think of the creation. Written for the Cincinnati Symphony for the 1942-43 season in tribute to those fighting in the war. It has twice been the wake-up music for the Space Shuttle; played at the dedication of the 9/11 memorial on May 15, 2014; played at Independence Hall where Pope Francis gave a speech on religious freedom from the lectern used by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg; Arnold Palmer's funeral. Someone has called it "a piece that feels like it was written by God." Awesome!
Chapters 4-5 of Revelation are transitional. Recall that chapter 3 ends with Jesus standing at the door and knocking. Chapter 5 starts with an open door. And Jesus invites us to come and see what must take place. Reminds me of the invitation from the angel at the tomb, Come and see the place where He was lying. [Matthew 28:6]. Just as Jesus invited us to see that He is not dead, but risen victorious, now He invites us to see what must take place. Think about that. Jesus does not want us to be uniformed. Yes, we live by faith and not by sight so we may not understand or grasp all that He is revealing to us. But notice the first thing He wants us to know--He is on the throne! We can move into today and tomorrow because He is on the throne. He reigns in victory. The one who promised to return is sitting with all power and authority. Nothing can prevent His return and the fulfillment of all His promises.
- You need to be in the Spirit to comprehend the things of God. Flesh and blood will not reveal these things--the Holy Spirit guides into all truth, teaches us all things, reminds of all Jesus said. John was in the Spirit when he received this message. I wonder why God does not reveal more to me---maybe because I have not allowed the Holy Spirit to have complete reign in my life. Surrendered totally to the Spirit, God reveals Himself.
- There is only One sitting on the throne. There are not several sitting here--Mohammad is not sitting there, nor is Confucius, not Buddha, nor Joseph Smith, nor Mary Baker Eddy. There is one and only One sitting on the throne.
- The One is radiant. Jasper is said to be the modern diamond by some; others translate the word as jade, emerald or green quartz. It represents holiness and glory. It is the last stone on the breastplate of the high priest and the first stone mentioned in the foundation of the New Jerusalem [Rev. 21:20] Sardius is usually said to be red, carnelian, ruby or red quartz. It symbolizes judgment, justice, wrath. It is the first jewel on the high priest breastplate and the 6th stone in New Jerusalem. What does this tell us. The One is the first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the foundation of our faith and everything is built on, by and for Him. His character is holiness, His appearance is glory, He is just and the judge---and His wrath will be on the unrighteous.
So what does Revelation 4:1-3 mean for me today. No matter what is going on, Jesus is on His throne. He reigns in holiness and glory. He is coming in judgment. So I have hope, I have confidence, I have a future--because the Jesus who loves me reigns--He is the King of glory.
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