Thought for November 9, 2023
- 1572: John Knox preaches his first sermon
- 1799: Napoleon becomes dictator of France
- 1821: First U.S., college of pharmacy holds its first class--Philadelphia
- 1862: General U.S. Grant issues order prohibiting Jews from serving under him
- 1872: Great Boston fire--1000 buildings destroyed
- 1904: First airplane flight lasting over 5 minutes
- 1906: Theodore Roosevelt is first sitting President to visit a foreign country
- 1938: Al Capp creates Sadie Hawkins Day in Lil' Abner comic strip
- 1969: Simon and Garfunkel record "Bridge over Troubled Water"
- Born: Gail Borden [condensed milk], Spiro Agnew, Carl Sagan
- Died: Barton Stone [founded movement that became Disciples of Christ and Christian Church], Neville Chamberlain, Dylan Thomas, Charles de Gaulle, John Mitchell, Stieg Larson
Reading 1 John 3:11-18 this morning. Here John tells us that if we do not love our brothers and sisters in Christ, then we are not in Christ. Loving our Christian brothers and sisters is a sign of life--failing to love is a sign of death. Now I realize that I make this very difficult for some of you and for many of my Christian brothers. How? I am often not very lovable. I am critical, judgmental, arrogant, insensitive. I often make myself difficult to love and more difficult to like. I am not alone and some of my Christian friends also make themselves difficult to love. But this command is not dependent on my conduct or yours--I am to love you and you are to love me. Now loving means praying for, admonishing, correcting, encouraging, helping. Notice 3:18--we love not only with our lips, but in truth and deed. We are messengers of the truth. We put feet and hands to our words.
Some of the very best demonstrations of love for me have been by Christian friends who took me aside and corrected me, challenged me, admonished me. Sometimes I have accepted this well, and other times not so well. But in reflection, it was always love and almost always exactly right.
Now what does John say is the measure of our love for the brethren? We are willing to lay down our lives--3:16. This does not just mean I would physically die for a Christian brother or sister. It means I will die to my self for their good. I will give up my wants and preferences for their good. I will put aside my desires for them. Now the good news--they are obligated to do the same thing. Think about what church would look and feel like if everyone constantly sought to love their brothers and sisters and demonstrate it by being willing to sacrifice my wants and preferences for them. Go back this morning and read Acts 2:42-47. What was the early church like?
- Continually devoted to listening to the teaching, to fellowship, to breaking bread together and to prayer.
- They had all things in common.
- They shared with those in need.
- They were of one mind.
- They were filled with gladness.
- They were praising God together.
- God was blessing them and multiplying them.
The Lord is making me examine my heart--who have I held a grudge against, not forgiven, don't want to be around. Which of my preferences and wants have I placed over the needs of my brothers and sisters? Lord, teach me to love as you love.
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