Thought for November 27, 2023
- 1826: Friction match invented by John Walker
- 1895: Nobel Prize established in will of Alfred Nobel
- 1896: Richard Strauss debuts "Also Sprach Zarathustra" inspired by Nietzche and later the theme for "2001 A Space Odyssey"
- 1924: First Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
- 2013: "Frozen" released
- 2017: Prince Harry announces engagement to Meghan Markle
- 2017: 8 donkeys released from jail in India after 4 day sentence for eating plants
- Born: Anders Celsius, James Agee [author of "The African Queen"], Buffalo Bob Smith, Bruce Lee, Jimi Hendrix, Bill Nye, Caroline Kennedy
- Died: Horace, Ada Lovelace [first computer programmer], Clement Studebaker, Baby Face Nelson, Eugene O'Neill, Stephen Hillenburg [cartoonist, Sponge Bob Square Pants]
Reading the letter to Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-17 today. Pergamum was the official capital of Asia located about 55 miles from Smyrna. The Revelation was likely carried on this circuit from Ephesus to Smyrna to Pergamum. I'm sure each of the churches read with particular interest what was written to them. Pergamum was a center of emperor worship with temples to Roma and Augustus [the first temple built for an emperor around 29BC]. There were many other pagan temples--Zeus [Pergamum was his birthplace in mythology], Athena, Dionysus, and Asklepios [Greek god of medicine]. You might look up the altar of Zeus which was located at the top of the mountain [Pergamum means "citadel"]. the altar was 120 feet by 112 feet and called by Christians Satan's Throne. The inscription was "Zeus Soter" meaning Zeus Savior. The city was organized by wealth class from the bottom of the hill to the top of the mountain [poor, business district, wealthy, government, temples]. Asclepion was a hospital in the lower part of the city where Galen a famous physician practiced medicine and philosophy. Legend says a man came and was rejected by Galen as too sick to help; as he left the hospital, he saw a snake drinking milk from a bowl; drank the milk and was healed. You may know that the caduceus [symbol of medicine] contains two snakes.
Now consider what the One with the two-edged sword says to this church and how that may apply to me today.
- Jesus knows where we live [2:13]. He knows what's going on in the world around us. He knows the temptations and trials we face. That alone is good news for today. Jesus, the lover of my soul, knows where I am and what is going on in my life.
- Jesus knows how we respond to temptation and trials [2:13]. He knows when we refuse to give in to the world. He knows when we stand for our faith. We are not alone when we suffer for His name.
- He knows when we are stumbling blocks to others [2:14] The Jerusalem Council [Acts 15] had placed only two requirements on Gentile converts [don't eat food sacrificed to idols and avoid fornication]. Balaam told Balak to tempt the Jewish men to intermarry with foreign women in violation of God's command. Here, some were saying it was acceptable to eat meat sacrificed to idols and engage in fornication--probably associated with the pagan temple worship. Today, the problem is I don't carefully watch what I say and do and may become a stumbling block to others--my practice does not follow my doctrine. Or as some churches have done, I change God's doctrine to match my wants.
- God has a standing invitation--repent or face the sword of His mouth. His word endures forever and is not going to change to meet my wishes or desires.The word, not culture, academia, politics, is the plumb line for truth.
- God makes a promise to those that overcome--
- Hidden manna. Stop eating food sacrificed to idols and eat the manna from God--the Bread of Life.
- White stones--in that day, white stones were used to cast the vote for innocence at trial [back balls vote guilty]. In Christ we have the not guilty verdict before God. White stones were also awarded to winning athletes--entitled them to free food and service. Our white stones grant admission to that place we call heaven.
- A new name. Jesus had a way of changing names--Saul to Paul, Simon to Peter. And we will get a new name as well--the name Jesus wants to call us by. When I think about this, I think about pet names we have for those we love that only we use.
I am encouraged--Jesus knows, Jesus sees, Jesus forgives, Jesus rewards faithfulness. Knowing that helps me face today.
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