Thought for November 16, 2023

  •  1824: Fifth Avenue in NYC opens for business
  • 1871: National Rifle Association chartered
  • 1914: Federal Reserve System opens
  • 1925: American Association for the Advancement of Atheism forms
  • 1965: Disney opens Epcot Center
  • 1973: Nixon authorizes Alaskan pipeline
  • 2002: First case of SARS recorded in China
  • 2010: Prince William and Kate Middleton announce their engagement
  • 2019: Havana celebrates the 500th anniversary of its founding
  • Born: Tiberius [Emperor during earthly life of Christ], WC Handy, Burgess Meredith, Corey Pavin, Zina Garrison, Diana Krall, Maggie Gyllenhaal
  • Died: Dr. Bob Smith [co-founder AA], Clark Gable, Sam Rayburn, Milton Friedman, Melvin Laird, 
There are two verses in Third John that hits home with me. "I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink; but I hope to see you shortly, and we will speak face to face." [13-14] These verses always raise with me the question of what should be written and what must be spoken face to face. I wonder what John couldn't write. what he wanted to say in person. John praises Gaius for showing hospitality to traveling preachers and Christians. He then speaks of Diotrephes who is filled with ego and opposes what John writes. He also unjustly accuses John of an unnamed offenses. It may be tht what John does not want to write relates to responding to the accusations. In any event, it makes me think about what can be written and what requires a face to face meeting.

I have often given people advice to write down their feelings. Sometimes it helps me to write down things--when I read what I have written, the Lord speaks and reminds me of His truth--my anger is not right, my impatience is wrong, my attitude needs adjusting. We have all heard that we should write a response, put it in a drawer, come back a few days later and reread it before mailing. Wonder why there is such anger and vitriol today? Perhaps people get on social media and write something without thinking or reflection. Perhaps they write without the facts. Just last month the media went crazy blaming Israel for bombing a hospital in Gaza--whoops--it was a Hamas rocket. 

I have recommended that people write letters when their is a broken relationship or strong difference of opinion. Why? Perhaps the recipient will read the entire letter, all the reasons, all the facts, before responding. When people talk face to face, I may stop listening and miss all the necessary information while I plan my response. Letters brought Jefferson and Adams back together. 

But there are times when I need to talk face to face. In my law practice, I preferred meetings to phone calls where serious matters needed to be discussed and resolved. I need to see your face not just hear your words. I need to see your body movements and look in your eyes. And I want you to observe mine. Reminds me of Corinthians--now we see dimly, but then face to face. 

As I read these verses again today, I am praying that the Lord will lead me to write at the right time and speak face to face on the right occasions. I usually mess it up, so Lord help me do it Your way.



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