Thought for November 15, 2023
- 1492: Christopher Columbus makes first recorded reference to tobacco
- 1904: King Gillette patents the Gillette razor blade
- 1969: Vietnam War Moratorium Demonstration
- 2017: Da Vinci's painting "Salvator Mundi" sells for $450 million
- Born: William Pitt, William Herschel, Georgia O'Keeffe, Erwin Rommel,
- Died: Johannes Kepler, Lionel Barrymore, Margaret Mead, Oswald Chambers ["My Utmost for His Highest"]
Reading 1 John 5:11-15 today. In the preceding verses, John tells us that the Spirit bears witness of the one in whom our faith is secure. [5:7] Now he tells us that the witness of the Spirit is that we have eternal life in Christ and in Him alone. This is an exclusive claim. The invitation of God is recorded in John's gospel--God so loved the world that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. The invitation is universal, but the admission is exclusive---eternal life is through Christ and Him alone. Think about where that places us---we are commanded to carry the invitation. But there is urgency-one day, we don't know when, the door/gate will close. I picture those outside the ark when the flood came--banging on the door, yelling for help, pleading for admission. The door was closed by God. We must have an urgency with the invitation.
John repeats something that he included in his gospel. In John 20:31 he tells us that he wrote his gospel that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ and believing have life in His name. Here in 1 John 5:13, John tells us he has written this letter so that those who believe will have confidence that they have eternal life. There are days when I need to be reminded to have that confidence. Circumstances, feelings, doubt and fear may challenge our confidence--but if you really believe in the Christ, trust Him with your life and destiny, you have eternal life in Him. And that changes everything--we can be free--free of worrying about what others think or say about our faith; free of fear of physical death, for it is not the end; free of fear of intimidation, harassment, threat. Held in the hand of the Almighty, we are secure forever.
Verses 14-15 can cause me trouble. When I read them here is what I understand:
- God always hears the voice of His children. He knows my thoughts and hears every word I say and every word I think.
- God hears to answer every prayer asked according to His will. I listen to what a lot of people say, but I listen particularly to those requests that I intend to answer. The reminder to me is before I ask, seek His will. Father, tell me what You are thinking. What are You planning? How will You be glorified? How will Your kingdom be proclaimed, expanded, enriched? Have you ever started praying for one thing and as you prayed and listened for God, your prayer changed, your desire altered, your solution modified. Jan and I laugh a lot about our ability to tell what the other wants--from a menu, for a trip, for things around the house. We have known each other so long and listened to each other so well that we know. That is the relationship God is seeking with me. That I know His thoughts and His ways so well, that I ask according to His will.
- There are some things always within His will. I often struggle trying to figure our God's will for a certain situation. Many times He responds, "Larry, start doing the things you know are in my will." Love God, love your neighbor, pray for those that persecute you, make disciples, obey my commandments. Read the Beatitudes and live them to be blessed. Pray for love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-control, patience. Pray for your character to be like His. Pray for the ability to forgive. Pray for salvation for others. Pray for more faith.
- I have discovered that if I pray for all the things I know God wants for me and for others, the stuff I thought I would pray about never gets on the table.
The Bible was written so we would have confidence about our salvation. Prayer is designed to give us confidence about our relationship.
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