Thought for October 28, 2023

  •  1492: Columbus sights Cuba
  • 1636: Harvard University founded for the primary purpose of preparing ministers and religious educators
  • 1646: First Protestant church for American Indians established--Massachusetts
  • 1726: "Gulliver's Travels" published
  • 1793: Eli Whitney files patent for cotton gin
  • 1831: Michael Farraday demonstrates his invention, the electric generator
  • 1858: RH Macy opens his first store on 6th Avenue in NYC
  • 1867: Maimonides College is the first Jewish college in the US
  • 1886: Statue of Liberty dedicated
  • 1900: Second modern Olympics ends after 5 months--no opening or closing ceremonies
  • 1919: Congress overrides President Wilson's veto and prohibition begins
  • 1965: Gateway Arch competed
  • Born: Erasmus, Eliphalet Remington, Evelyn Waugh ["Brideshead Revisited"], Bowie Kuhn, Jim Beatty [1st sub 4 minute indoor mile], Charlie Daniels, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Brad Paisley, Joaquin Phoenix
  • Died: John Wallis [introduced the symbol for infinity] John Locke, Abigail Adams, Edward Bouchet [first African American to receive a PHD in the US], Helen Magill White [first woman to receive a PHD in the US], Red Auerbach, Porter Wagner, 
Today I am reading 2 Peter 1:5-9. I have underlined 9 or 10 words in these verses. Here is a question for my life today: Do I want to be useful and fruitful for the Lord or do I want to be blind, short-sighted and forgetful? What do you think? Would Jesus be more pleased with a fruitful and useful vessel or a blind guide who has forgotten his blessing in Christ? I read this passage as a 7-step program to be useful and fruitful for Jesus. 

The foundation for being fruitful and useful is faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Peter urges us to be diligent in our faith [1:5]--well He really says for me to apply ALL diligence in my faith. Here is the connection between a faith that is knowledge only and a faith that is active and growing--I must be diligent in my faith. Faith is an active word requiring action on my part. So Peter says here are things you need to do as you diligently grow in your faith:
  • Supply/add moral excellence. The word "supply" is "epichoregein." This is the word for the benefactor of the choir who provided for the choir's needs. So I must be diligent to add to my faith, moral excellence. Here is the active part of faith--I demonstrate my faith by conducting myself in a manner worthy of praise--not the world's praise but praise from the Lord. 
  • Add knowledge--I must grow in my knowledge of Christ--read His word, communicate in prayer, listen for His voice. Know Him not about Him.
  • Add self-control--This is a fruit of the Spirit. Paul talks about disciplining my body like in a gym. I think about training my body and my mind. I don't let anger, lust, revenge, self gratification control me. In the power of the Holy Spirit, I discipline myself. This is an internal decision with external consequences.
  • Add perseverance--patience under pressure, steadfastness. Living worthy of praise, growing in my knowledge of Christ, exercising self-control allows me to endure and requires endurance. I know the end of the story. I know the One who controls everything. I know He has a plan for my good and His glory. So I can persevere. 
  • Add godliness--I think this means I devote every aspect of my life to Him and His Way. The other additions mentioned above lead to a life of godliness--growing to be more like Christ.
  • Add brotherly kindness--Another fruit of the Spirit. This is the second part of the two great commandments. Godliness means I love my brothers as myself.
  • Supply love--Notice that the ultimate goal of this 7-step program is love. For God is love and Jesus is love. so if I have built my faith to my ultimate goal to become like Christ--I love. 
Some of us have workouts for our bodies and our minds---things we try to do to stay healthy in body and mind. Here is a program for maintaining and improving my spiritual health. Start with faith with a goal of love. I'll try and do that today. 



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