Thought for October 18, 2023
- 1009: Church of the Holy Sepulchre destroyed by Islamist
- 1776: First use of "cocktail" for a drink--customer at a bar decorated with feathers in Elmsford NY orders "a glass of those cocktails."
- 1867: U.S. takes formal possession of Alaska
- 1922: BBC formed [British Broadcasting Company]
- 1931: Al Capone convicted of tax evasion
- 1962: James Watson and Francis Crick win Nobel Prize for Medicine for determining the structure of DNA
- Born: Pierre Trudeau, Chuck Berry, George C Scott, Lee Harvey Oswald, Martina Navratilova, Jean Claude Van Damme
- Died: Charles Babbage, Thomas Edison, Colin Powell
Reading 1 Peter 1:13-25 this morning. First Peter told us that we are chosen, sanctified, born again, awaiting an inheritance at Jesus return. Then he reminded us that while we wait there will be trials--various, temporary, with purpose. Now he tells us how we should live as we experience trials and wait on the Lord:
- Gird your mind for action [1:13] Perhaps putting on the helmet of salvation that protects you. But also setting your mind on the right things. Paul tells the Philippians to let their minds dwell on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellent, worthy of praise. Leave no room in your mind for the things that are defiled, corrupt, false. Psalm 26 asks the Lord to refine my mind. We are told that as a man thinks, so is he. We are told to love God with all our mind. Paul reminds the Romans that the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. And he instructs them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. The battle begins in the mind--set it on the right things.
- Be sober in spirit [1:13] Don't be carried away by every fad, every great idea, every new theology or personality. During trials, we may begin to doubt or fear and want to add something to our theology.
- Fix you hope completely on God's grace [1:13]. Our hope is not God's grace plus something. So we stay fixed on Jesus. During trials, it is easy to reach out for other things or place our hope in people or things. They will disappoint and never satisfy.
- Be holy--not conformed to this world. [1:14-15] Trials may lead us to compromise or give in. Endure, hold on, stay focused on the One who can save and sustain.
- Love one another [1:22]. Trials may test our love for God and for each other. We may get bitter, difficult. Think about when you get to feeling really bad--you often become difficult to live with. Love covers a multitude of sins.
Trials will come. Set your thoughts on the right things, don't get carried away from the truth, don't compromise and give in, and love one another.
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