Thought for October 14, 2023

  •  1066: Battle of Hastings
  • 1322: Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II giving Scotland independence
  • 1586: Trial of Mary Queen of Scots begins
  • 1892: "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" published by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • 1926: AA Milne releases "Winnie the Pooh"
  • 1939: Broadcast Music formed [BMI]
  • 1962: U-2 planes locate missile launchers in Cuba
  • 1964: Martin Luther King wins the Nobel Prize
  • 1968: First live broadcast from a U.S. spacecraft--Apollo 7
  • 1979: First gay and lesbian civil rights march in Washington
  • 1980: Reagan promises to name a woman to the Supreme Court
  • 1986: Ellie Wiesel wins Nobel Prize
  • Born: William Penn, Dwight Eisenhower, EE Cummings, John Wooden, Roger Moore, John Dean [Nixon White House], Ralph Lauren, Beth Daniel, Frank Wycheck, Natalie Maines, 
  • Died: Erwin Rommel, Errol Flynn, Bing Crosby, Leonard Bernstein
Yesterday we were looking at James 5 and the prayer of Elijah. Think for a minute about how God used this prayer for His glory--1 Kings 17-18.
  • God sent Elijah away from Ahab to a place east of the Jordan. there Elijah drank from the brook and was fed by ravens during the drought and famine that followed when there was no rain. Here I understand that God provides for those who pray and trust Him--during a famine, and drought, Elijah eats and drinks. Sometimes I go through a spiritual drought, but when I earnestly pray, God provides living water and the bread of life and I am preserved. 
  • When the brook dried up, God sent Elijah to Zarephath to a widow who was preparing her last meal. Now, Elijah's earnest prayer becomes a blessing to a woman of faith. I learn here that God may send us to someone who seems to have nothing to offer me--but miraculously, that person becomes a blessing in my life. And then I understand that God may be sending me to someone who has nothing to carry His provision to them. 
  • Then, the answered prayer for no rain and a drought/famine places Elijah at just the right place at just the right time to raise the widow's only son. We pray for something earnestly and God uses that answer to bless someone else--maybe we even get to introduce someone to the One who gives life.
  • Then, God leads Elijah back to Mt. Carmel where he meets the prophets of baal and the priests of Jezebel. The prayer that was for no rain physically results in an opportunity for God to display His power and Elijah to demonstrate his faith. 
  • Finally, God is faithful and brings the rain to prove His power and authority. And notice, Elijah's servant had to look for the clouds 7 times--keep on looking and waiting for God to deliver. 
Now I am back to James 5--Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. Really, do I pray that way, do I hear God that way, do I trust God that way. Lord, help me talk to you just like Elijah did--and then use me like you used Him to bring glory to Your name. 



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