Thought for September 29, 2023

  • 1954: Willie Mays makes his famous over the shoulder catch in Game One of the World Series
  • 1916: John D Rockefeller becomes the first billionaire 
  • 2008: Dow falls 777.68 points as Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual bankrupt
  • Born: Cervantes, Horatio Nelson, Greer Garson, Anita Ekberg, Jerry Lee Lewis, Lech Walsea
  • Died: Rudolf Diesel, Casey Stengel, Tony Curtis
Thought: From Geneva. We are flying home today and should be in our own bed tonight.

Reading James 1:2 this morning. This passage is often preached. Some quick thoughts before catching the plane.
  • Consider--James does not tell us it is all joy when we encounter trials. He says we have to consider it all joy. I consider it joy because I know God is using it for a purpose. So my trials and afflictions are not without purpose. God is going to use them to demonstrate His character--power, grace, mercy, love, sufficiency, provision. I may not understand at the time or I may never understand in this life, but I consider it all joy because I trust Him. Why do we encounter trials?
    • To test our faith. Habakkuk 3:17-18
    • Humble us when we get self sufficient 
    • Wean our dependency on earthly things [Philip asked where they could buy enough bread for the people]
    • Cause us to focus on Jesus and our hope in Him. Romans 8:18-25
    • Reveal what we really love.
    • Teach us to value our blessings
    • Develop enduring strength 
    • Prepare us to help others when they struggle
  • When--James does not say "if" you encounter trials, but when you encounter trials. This tells me that if my Master encountered trials, I will too. Paul wanted to know Jesus and considered everything trash compared to knowing Jesus. But recall, Paul wanted to know Christ in His suffering as well as His victory. Trials draw us closer to Christ and remind us of our dependence on Him. So they will come and we will not be surprised. John 6:33; 15:20.
  • Encounter--the word here refers to sudden  or unexpected trials. But we know they will happen, not which one or when, but they will happen.
  • Various--Everyone does not experience the same trials. The word "various" comes from the same place as the word for Joseph's multi-colored coat. Trials come in every form and every color. 
I'm not sure what trial you will face today. I am sure that it will not surprise God. I am sure that He has a purpose. I am sure that He will provide wisdom, strength, and power sufficient for the need. So in the power of the Spirit, we will rejoice and consider it all joy until the day we understand why.



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