Thought for September 27, 2023

  •  1066: William the Conqueror's troops sail from Normandy to England
  • 1590: Urban VII died after 13 days as Pope--the shortest reign
  • 1822: Jean Francois Champollion announces deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics using the Rosetta Stone
  • 1825: Locomotion No. 1 is the first steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public rail line
  • 1905: Einstein's paper "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?" introduces the formula E=MC squared.
  • 1908: First Model T leaves the plant
  • 1912: W.C. Handy publishes "Memphis Blues" considered the first blues song
  • 1923: Lou Gehrig hits his first major league home run
  • Born: Meat Loaf, Mike Schmidt, Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Died: Edgar Degas, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Clara Bow, Jimmy Doolittle, George Bland, Hugh Hefner
Thought: From Lausanne, Switzerland

Still working my way through the underlined portions of Hebrews 13 today. 

  • 13:9--don't be carried away by strange and varied teaching. How do we avoid this? We read the Bible and compare the teaching with the teachings of God. And we consider the entire text of the Bible, not picking some passage or verse to support our position. I find my self deciding on the "right" answer, then looking for a verse to support my decision. Instead, I should be asking God for His decision and find confirmation in the Word. Every cult seems to have some grain of truth, but the word is distorted or taken out of context. Be careful, test your teachers and preachers and the books that you read and movies you watch. 
  • 13:15--Continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God. Here I see two things. One, are the words of my lips constantly offering words of praise to God. Does my life and speech reflect love, faith, hope, gentleness, kindness, patience? Second does my life present to the world a song of Jesus? Am I a living version of "Amazing Grace" or "Victory in Jesus"? When I walk into the room, does my life bring with it the Hallelujah Chorus? Romans 12:1-2--present my body a living sacrifice as my act of reasonable worship. 
  • 13:16: Doing good and sharing are sacrifices. So part of our sacrifice of praise is doing good--for we are His workmanship created in Christ for good works. God works do not earn us salvation but give evidence of our salvation. And generosity is a picture of Christ---He sacrificed all for me. I cannot match His generosity for He left His throne. But I can join with the Macedonian church in 2 Corinthians 8. There I read that their ordeal of affliction and deep poverty plus an abundance of joy equalled liberal giving beyond their means. Amazing! But then I read, they first gave themselves to the Lord--maybe that's where I need to start. It is all His so I can be generous. 
Today, watch your doctrine and test it; live a life of praise; do good and share. Simple instructions for a lifestyle that changes the world. 


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